Health and Fitness

Foods to avoid during cold and cough

It gets cold very easily in winter. And it is important to eat some nutritious food to protect yourself from this cold or flu. If you feel cold, you can’t eat too much even if you want to. However, even if it is difficult to recover, some foods must be eaten.

Tomatoes, greens, yogurt will provide you with the necessary vitamins, minerals and minerals. These foods will help you recover faster.

Caffeinated beverages, alcohol and sweet drinks:

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages can make you dehydrated. Flu can cause high temperatures, dehydration, and caffeinated beverages can make the situation worse. Also sugary fruit juice weakens your immune system.

Foods that are difficult to chew and digest:

Crunchy wafers and similarly textured foods can make your cough worse. It can also cause stomach upset. In addition, foods that are high in fiber are difficult to digest. So avoid these. Avoid eating meat that is high in saturated fat.

Candy & Chocolate:

Candy and chocolate foods cause inflammation and it can weaken white cells and weaken your immune system. These cells fight infection. So refrain from eating candy and chocolate.

Foods that make mucus:

Mucus is your main enemy when you recover from the flu and cold. Don’t eat foods that produce mucus. Think again if you are sick. An important example of strawberry is the histamine secretion that causes discomfort in your nose and can cause sinusitis. Another food for milk that should be avoided at this time, as it can thicken the mucus and cause problems. Also refrain from eating extra spices like chilli, capsicum.

Source: Health Shots

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