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International Women’s day theme, activities, fact

International Women’s day

International Women’s day

The Day is celebrated every year on the 8th March throughout the world to raising awareness on women’s rights.

What is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day celebrates as United Nations-sanctioned global holiday. It reminds women’s contributions to society, The day raises awareness about the fight for gender parity, and inspires the organizations that help women globally.

What is the International Women’s Day history?

According to the United Nations (UN), the Day started in America in 1909. In this day the Socialist Party of America took to the streets to honor the garment workers. They named it National Women’s Day, and it was took place on February 28. The following year, the Social International established Women’s Day in Copenhagen for women’s rights and universal suffrage.

International Women’s day theme, activities, fact
International Women’s day theme, activities, fact

In 1911, Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland celebrated the first official International Women’s Day. It was celebrated on March 19. More than one million people was presented rallies focused on suffrage, representation, education, and workers’ rights. Over the next few years, more countries in Europe celebrate the holiday on March 8. After that on March 8, 1975, during International Women’s Year, the United Nations celebrated the day as an official holiday. Since 1975, the holiday has gained awareness around the globe as a way to recognize women contributions.

What is the International Women’s Day logo?

The International Women’s Day logo has arrowed circle with the female gender symbol at the inset. Groups or organizations who would like to use the logo can get more information on the terms of use and how to register the necessary IWD account on the International Women’s Day site.

What is the International Women’s Day theme for 2021?

The International Women’s Day 2021 theme is #ChooseToChallenge, which highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in the interest of creating a more gender-equal world. The 2020 theme is #EachforEqual; 2019’s iss #BalanceforBetter. In 2018, the theme of International Women’s Day is #PressforProgress, the 2017 Women’s Day theme is #BeBoldforChange, and the 2016 theme is #PledgeforParity.

The UN also issued a 2021 theme which is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future an a COVID-10 world.” The UN’s 2021 theme celebrates the day for girls and women to create a more equal future and COVID-19 pandemic recovery.

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