No one likes excess body fat. Everyone tries to stay fat free. According to experts, there is no substitute for proper diet and exercise to reduce body fat. There are also some detox drinks that help shed fat and keep metabolism in check.
These drinks contain-
Coriander seeds and leaves
It helps in digestion. It also contains fiber. It also contains vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and folic acid. Heat water and add 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds. Boil and cool overnight. Be sure to strain the water before drinking the next day. This drink helps to shed fat.
Cumin plays a very effective role in shedding calories. It reduces fat by increasing the rate of metabolism. Soak cumin seeds in water overnight. Boil in the morning, sift the seeds, heat it lightly and drink it on an empty stomach. It is also quite effective in shedding fat.
It is very good to eat honey before going to bed at night. It burns calories quickly. Cinnamon also loses fat. In addition to shedding fat, these ingredients help to keep the body healthy and fresh. You can drink water mixed with honey and cinnamon in the morning to shed fat.
Fenugreek seeds are rich in nutrients. Soak these seeds in water overnight. Drink water on an empty stomach in the morning after sifting the seeds. It will also lose fat.
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