Health and Fitness

Cancer Prevention Healthy Diet & Lifestyle Tips

Moderate eating habits are the main catalyst for a healthy, beautiful, enjoyable life. Studies show that about 80 percent of cancers can be prevented by changing eating habits. Medical research on cancer has presented us with a list of foods that directly or indirectly increase the risk of cancer. Again there are some foods that reduce the risk of cancer.

Which cannot be eaten for Cancer Prevention

Smoking and drinking should not be allowed.

Sugar and processed sugars: Processed foods that are high in sugar and low in fiber and nutrients have a higher risk of cancer.

Processed meat: Processed meat contains carcinogenic substances which are carcinogenic.

Overcooked food: It is better to refrain from fried foods like high fried food, fried food or barbecue.

Milk: Although milk is a nutritious food, drinking more milk increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Food should not be wrapped in plastic paper while heating in the microwave oven.

Genetically modified foods should be avoided as much as possible.

Which can be eaten for Cancer Prevention

Vegetables and fruits: such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, apples, oranges and various fruits rich in vitamin C.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is a very effective food in preventing the spread of cancer cells.

Spices: Cinnamon, turmeric contains anti-cancer ingredients.

Eggs: Peas contain enough fiber, which helps prevent colorectal cancer.

Eat nuts regularly.

Olive oil, garlic, etc. reduce the risk.

Eating fish is beneficial in preventing cancer.

Drinking milk in certain doses.

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