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420 million year old fish found alive in Madagascar

A team of shark hunters in South Africa has rediscovered a dinosaur-era fish. Scientists have assumed that this fish became extinct 420 million years ago.

The fish is called Coelacanths. This extinct fossil fish was found alive off the coast of Madagascar in the western Indian Ocean.

The fishermen went out hunting sharks with gillnet. As they continued to target sharks, the high-tech nets reached where the snails gather in the deep sea. From the surface of the water which is 328 to 492 feet deep.

Before 1938, scientists assumed that the fish was extinct. But then the fish was discovered for the first time on the coast of South Africa.

South Africa’s science journal has hinted that the existence of silakanta is under renewed threat due to the increase in shark hunting.

Zarifa gill-nets has been used to catch sharks, the researchers said. These deadly nets can reach deep into the ocean. This has created a new threat to the fish.

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