Mango benefit: Himsagar, Gopalbhog, Langra, Khirsapati are name of yummy mangoes. Mango is a major fruit of our country. Do you know why everyone should eat mango? Mango has many benefits. Learn about the nutritional value of mango today.
Raw mango boosts the body’s energy and immunity. Ripe mango on the other hand makes our skin beautiful, bright and smooth. Mango helps in increasing eyesight and protects against night blindness. The presence of mineral salt in ripe mangoes helps to strengthen teeth, nails, hair etc.
Cancer fighters
Quercetin, phycetin, isoquercetin, astragalin, gallic acid, and methyl gallate are some of the hardest named antioxidants that remains in mango. These are very useful in fighting against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia.
Control Cholesterol
Juicy mango plays a role in controlling high cholesterol in the blood as it contains high levels of vitamin C, fiber and pectin.
Keep care of Skin
Mango helps to keep the skin clean from inside. In particular, it increases the radiance of the skin by eliminating skin rashes.
Alkaline level
Mango have tartaric acid and malic acid. There is also citric acid. It balances the body’s chemical called alkali.
Help to lose weight
There are so many vitamins in mango for this reason eating a mango is enough to meet the daily vitamin needs of the body. It will also provide fiber, nutrition and energy. So who are thinking of losing weight this season, choose mango as an alternative to burgers, cold drinks or sub-sandwiches.
For Eyes
Vitamin A in mango will save us from night blindness. Especially those who are suffering from dry eye problems can get benefit from eating mango.
For digestion
If health is at the root of happiness, then digestion is at the root of health. The enzymes in mangoes can easily break down protein components. It helps in fast digestion of food and also protects against many stomach related diseases.
Prevent heat stroke
Mango keeps our insides cool and protects our internal organs from overheating.
Disease prevention
The carotenoids in mangoes during this period will increase your immunity. There is vitamin C as a comrade.
For good memory
Mango will be useful if you have trouble keeping your attention on something. The fruit also acts as a memory booster.
Body scrub
Ripe mango works quite well as a body scrub. Make a paste and mix it with a little honey and milk. Gently massage and wash off after 10-15 minutes.
How much to eat?
Don’t gossip about so many benefits. One cup of mango has 100 calories. And 90 percent of it comes from the sugar in mango. So before eat mango diabetics patients should take a look at the chart given by nutritionists. In most cases, it is recommended to eat half a ripe mango a day.
Source: Times of India
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