Health and Fitness

The benefits of drinking green tea

The benefits of green tea cannot be overstated. Green tea plays a magical role in reducing weight, keeping the skin healthy and treating various diseases. According to medical science, green tea is the most effective drink for weight loss. That’s why you need to know why you should eat Greek tea regularly.

To lose weight:

Gree tea works very fast to lose weight. Green tea helps to shed the remaining fats by keeping the beneficial fats working in the body. Weight loss will be followed by regular green tea.


Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help prevent cancer. Green tea is also effective in treating other ailments.

Brain protection:

Green tea contains caffeine, although not as much as coffee. This coffee helps to keep the brain functioning properly.

Disease eradication:

Green tea reduces inflammation and disease. Green tea also works against various diseases.

Diabetes control:

Green tea keeps blood sugar levels right which plays a role in controlling diabetes. People who have diabetes can put green on their food list every day.

Reduces heart disease:

Green tea reduces heart disease. In other words, green tea plays an important role in keeping the heart healthy.

Eliminates bad breath:

Green tea helps to eliminate bad breath due to its antioxidant properties.

Source: The Times of India

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