Started diet without expert advice? Do you know what could happen …
Boiled vegetables, fruits, pickles and oats are the daily diet! Eating at least three meals a day! Outside junk food absolutely avoiding!
Which diet is right for you? What to eat and what not to eat when you are lean? Various ‘tips’ from different people. But do you know what is the right diet for you? An expert can help with that problem.
Many people rely on own diet plan to lose weight fast. Here’s what it could be like if you dont have right diet-
Diabetes and heart muscle damage can occur
Diabetes and heart muscle damage can be caused by diabetes and heart muscle damage. Excessive dieting can lead to weight loss. According to a 2013 study on diabetes, it can be type-2 diabetes. Malnutrition and excess dieting are deeply connected. Malnutrition can damage the muscles of the whole body. If you lose weight too fast, the heart muscles can also be damaged. A weak heart is a serious problem that can be fatal.
Dehydration disorder
May cause dehydration disorder. This type of diet results in a drastic reduction in the amount of water in the body. When you eat less fat than you need, your body cells do not get enough fat. He absorbs the excess water of the body to fill that void. Resulting in the breakdown of glycogen. And when glycogen is broken down, dehydration is created. Dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue and dizziness.
Liver and kidney problems
Low-carb diet (keto diet) is a lack of sugar in the body. In that case the body breaks down fatty acids to produce ketones. It is through this process that energy is supplied to the body. If you follow this diet, your liver and kidneys will play at exactly twelve o’clock. The Foodmap Diet was created by an Australian nutritionist. This diet includes some special vegetables, fruits, dairy foods, mushrooms, pulses, very small amounts of sweet foods. Not all fruits can be eaten in this case. Grapes, bananas, pineapples, oranges, lemons, tomatoes should be included in the list of fruits.
The rate of metabolism decreases
The body’s resistance to disease is reduced. At that time the rate of metabolism in the body decreases. Crash diets increase the release of stress hormones. The result is depression, frequent mood swings. Not only this, with the help of proper amount of vitamins and minerals in the body, the skin loses its radiance. Problems like hair loss are also created. When one is on a high diet, the body is forced to lack calories and reduce energy levels. This will naturally slow down the metabolism to store energy. It can reduce weight and relieve muscle tone.
May cause heart problems
In case of excessive dieting, excessive intake leads to deficiency of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins (especially vitamins A, D, E and K) and minerals – calcium, phosphorus, sodium. These are all essential organs of the diet and their absence in the diet can cause various diseases. A regular diet can cause a sudden drop in phosphorus, magnesium and potassium levels, which can lead to heart problems. In addition, the efficiency of the brain is reduced. Fatigue comes to the body. Reluctance to work. This type of diet causes irregular menstrual cycles.
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