Regular massage is essential to cure skin problems. Did you know that sweet pumpkin can restore radiance to your face? The unique sweet pumpkin is as beautiful in taste as it is in beauty. Do not know the use of sweet pumpkin in skin care.
The quality of sweet pumpkin
Sweet pumpkins contain vitamins A, C, E and four types of B vitamins (niacin, folate, riboflavin, B6). There are also alpha and beta carotene and minerals like zinc, potassium, magnesium.
Sweet pumpkin in beauty
This vegetable is suitable for all skin types. Sweet pumpkin enhances skin radiance and eliminates acne problems. At the same time, sweet pumpkin repairs the damage caused to the skin by sunlight and environmental pollution. Sweet pumpkin can also reduce facial wrinkles.
Sweet Pumpkin Mask in Beauty:
Sweet pumpkin face mask for dry skin
This mask needs to be made-
- Two tablespoons sweet pumpkin pulp,
- Half a teaspoon of honey,
- A teaspoon of milk,
- Two tablespoons coconut oil,
- A pinch of cinnamon powder
Make a mask with these ingredients, put it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with warm water.
Sweet pumpkin face mask for oily skin
- One tablespoon sweet pumpkin pulp
- One tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Make a mask with these ingredients, put it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.
Sweet pumpkin face mask for acne problems
- One tablespoon sweet pumpkin pulp,
- Two tablespoons sour yogurt,
- Half a teaspoon of oatmeal,
- Half a teaspoon of honey
- A pinch of cinnamon powder
Make a mask with these ingredients, apply it on your face for 10 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Good results can be obtained by using it at least two days a week.
Sweet pumpkin mask for wrinkle and UV ray problems
- Two tablespoons sweet pumpkin pulp,
- One tablespoon egg white,
- Half a teaspoon of lemon juice
- Half a teaspoon of honey
Make a mask with these ingredients and use it three days a week at night before going to bed.
Source: Zee News
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