Health and Fitness

8 Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin C Than Oranges

Last updated on September 3rd, 2023 at 02:40 pm

8 Healthy Foods That Are High in Vitamin C Than Oranges

The demand for vitamin C has increased a lot since the beginning of Corona. There is no substitute for vitamin C to keep yourself healthy. Vitamin C has immunity. We all understand vitamin C to mean orange. However, in addition to oranges, there are many other sources of vitamin C. A medium-sized orange contains 69.6 grams of vitamin C.

Foods That Are High in Vitamin C Than Oranges


Studies show that papaya improves your digestion. It also lightens the skin, relieves sinus problems and strengthens bones. A papaya contains 7.3 grams of vitamin C.


One cup of strawberries contains 7.4 grams of vitamin C. Not only that, strawberries provide you with folate and other compounds that keep the heart well.


You can get 128.6 grams of vitamin C from a cauliflower, whether it is boiled or cooked. It also contains 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein.


Pineapple contains bromelain which helps in digestion. Bromelain acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent that will give you quick relief after a workout. A pineapple contains 7.9 grams of vitamin C.


Broccoli can prevent cancer. A broccoli contains 132 grams of vitamin C and fiber.

Mango :

Mangoes are rich in vitamin A. A medium-sized mango contains 122.3 grams of vitamin C.

Red pepper:

Red pepper is low in calories and high in vitamin C. This pepper can improve the mood of the mind. 100 grams of red chillies contain 128.7 grams of vitamin C.

Brussels sprouts:

Small cabbage contains ingredients that can prevent cancer. It contains phytonutrients and fiber. A Brussels sprouts contains 74.6 mg of vitamin C.

Source: The Times of India

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