Like other cancers, knowledge and awareness about breast cancer has increased a lot in the last one decade but it is catching up at a higher rate lately. It is the second highest cause of cancer among women in Bangladesh.
Medical scientists have not yet been able to be completely sure about the exact cause of breast cancer. However, many surveys around the world have identified several risk factors for breast cancer. Several of these factors are out of control. For example-
- Women get breast cancer because they are women
- Growing age
- Someone else in the family has a history of breast cancer
- Menstruation starts at a relatively young age
- Relatively late menopause or menopause etc.
Other factors that are associated with the risk of breast cancer are related to our daily routine or lifestyle.
Why caution for working women?
50 percent of the total population of the country is women. The presence of highly educated or highly educated women is seen in the corporate world. But the unfortunate fact is that the increasing workload of these women in the workplace, the increasing anxiety they face in the face of daily competition and the growing ambition to achieve success are making a huge difference in the thinking and lifestyle of working women in this age, which complements the risk of breast cancer.
Various factors worldwide suggest that working women are responsible for breast cancer. That is:
- Getting married late
- Childless or giving birth to the first child at an older age
- Not being able to breastfeed the baby or not being able to breastfeed for any reason
- Living a life where physical work is less
- Obesity, eating more fatty foods and fast food
- Smoking or drinking
- Hormone replacement therapy etc.
Things to do
Be aware of the best ways to prevent breast cancer. Remember, being a woman puts women at risk for breast cancer and this risk increases with age.
So what should be done?
Breast self-examination: Women between the ages of 30 and 40 should have regular breast self-examination or self-examination at least once a month. If you go to a general surgeon, he will teach you about it. If she finds any abnormalities in her breasts such as discoloration of the skin, wheels or wrinkles, etc. on her own examination, she should seek the help of a general surgeon without delay.
Mammogram examination: If the woman is 40 years of age or above, she should undergo mammogram examination once a year in addition to self-examination every month. This is a special type of X-ray, which can detect breast cancer much earlier.
Balanced diet: Healthy balanced diet should be taken regularly. Especially green vegetables should be eaten and fatty foods should be avoided. As well as not smoking or drinking at all.
Exercise: It is important to exercise regularly to prevent breast cancer. It is better to practice fast walking on short legs for at least 45 minutes five days a week.
About 10 percent of women in their thirties develop breast cancer later in life. This number tends to increase with age. So if you feel a wheel on a woman’s breast, never press it or be ashamed to tell the doctor. Don’t waste any time going to a gynecologist without hesitation. Seek the help of a General Surgeon immediately. Because she is trained to provide breast treatment. Besides, it is also inappropriate to delay proper treatment with the help of Kabiraji or Jharfunk.
Remember, like many cancers, if breast cancer can be detected early, it is possible to recover through treatment.
Source: kalerkantho