Health and Fitness

8 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Although fat in other parts of the body is reduced, abdominal fat is not reduced easily. However, if you follow a few rules, you can easily lose belly fat.

Eat regularly

It has been scientifically proven that if food is chewed with the mind, slowly, for a long time, then it will be digested much faster. Do not eat in a hurry. As a result, the brain cannot send messages to the body properly. By doing this you can eat more.

Worry less

If the mind is not calm, the metabolism rate of the body decreases. Sleep is not right. Even food is delayed in digestion. So try to keep your mind calm as much as you can. Especially during meals and before bedtime.

Sit up straight

We don’t sit up straight most of the time. Sit in such a way that the abdominal muscles are hanging. So make sure the spine is straight.

Tighten the abdomen while exercising

Many exercise daily with the mind. But nothing makes you lose belly fat. This is because when doing any exercise, you have to keep the abdominal muscles tense and pull them inwards. Otherwise there will be no pressure on the stomach.

Do abdominal exercises

To reduce belly fat, you don’t just have to do cardio, you have to do abdominal exercises. Plank or crunches need to be done. There is no benefit in spot reduction alone, it is now proven. However, there is no alternative to abdominal exercises to train and tighten the abdominal muscles.


It is also possible to reduce belly fat in yoga. Several seats like Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Ustrasana will help you to reduce belly fat.

Fiber and good fat

Eat foods that are easily digested. Vegetables and fruits have a lot of fiber. These are ideal foods to reduce bloating. Even if you eat less oil and spices, you should keep good fat in your diet. Otherwise the body will not burn fat. Foods like nuts and nuts contain good fats. So you must keep these in your daily diet.

Salt-sugar moderate

Eating more salt increases the amount of water retained in the body. For this you must eat measured salt. Raw salt should not be eaten at all. Buy this type of salt that has less sodium. Sugar should also be avoided. If you want to eat sweets, you can eat molasses and honey as an alternative.

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