Health and Fitness

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Cloves ! Fresh Breath! Reduce Hair Fall!

We know clove only as a spice, many people do not know about its various properties. Of course, our country’s market is full of fake cloves. Clove extract is sold in the market only as a quality spice, which is not good for you at all. There are some ways to recognize real cloves, at the same time these real cloves have great benefits and uses. Let’s find out about the magical benefits of this spice.

  1. Toothache? Crush a few cloves and put it on the affected area, it will definitely relieve the toothache. As you can see, most toothpastes claim to have cloves. That’s why!
  2. Pain in any joint of the knee, back or bone? Take some cloves. Bake them on a low flame pan. Make a bundle by tying this clove to the camphor. Bake the affected area with this cloves-benefit bundle while it is still hot. The pain will go away,
  3. To relieve nausea, mix honey with powdered cloves and eat it. Get comfortable.
  4. Whether it is a common cold or asthma, sinus problems, etc. Drinking a few cups of clove tea a day will cure the disease. Make tea by boiling cloves in water, just like you make ginger tea.
  5. Having a severe headache? Apply a few drops of clove oil on the forehead with a cloth or tissue. Leave on for 15 minutes and remove. Headaches will decrease.
  6. Clove is incomparable in eliminating bad breath. If you chew a few in your mouth, your breath will become fresh.
  7. Feeling overwhelmed with stress and anxiety? Put a piece of clove in your mouth and suck it and eat it. You can drink clove tea. The mood will be lively.
  8. Compare cloves to acne. Mix fresh clove powder with a little honey and put it on the acne. Acne will go away.
  9. Using clove oil mixed with your regular oil will reduce hair fall and increase hair density.
  10. Pregnant mothers can suck cloves to relieve morning nausea. If you don’t like cloves, you can mix a little molasses. You will feel much relief in the morning.

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