
Salary may lower due to climate change

One of climate change extreme event is high temperature which impacts the livelihoods badly.

Climate change effect is presents days high problem. This will impact on the future generations very badly as per the predictions of climate specialist. The rising temperature in Washington, D.C is very alarming for its people. Another three weeks will felt the high heat which is 95 degrees Fahrenheit followingr the report of New York Time.

A recent study revealed that 32 Celsius temperatures can progress negative impact on human capital. Maya Rossin-Slater, a health policy professor from Stanford University and her team studied on long term effects of climate change on people of United States. They have studied the impact considering birthday, county, gender and race. For a given county, on a given day, they counted days above 90 degrees a child born that day would have experienced during gestation and during their first year of life. Then they compared that person’s salary as an adult to someone born in that same county on that same day in other years.

The study also compared the air conditions uses in houses from the 1970s to present days. Fetuses and infants are especially sensitive to heat because they have no ability to self-regulate their body temperatures. Rossin-Slater said there are three pathways by which fetus can impact heat. The heat could overstress it, or heat could affect how nutrients are delivered to the fetus, or can harm its cognitive development. There are clear health risks to extreme heat, and the risks are worse during the critical periods of development. Rossin-Slater says that, women shouldn’t get worried if they are pregnant and living in a warm area. The difference in earnings is small and nothing happened to the air-conditioned babies.


Climate Change Might Lower Salaries – The Atlantic (2017, December 5). Retrieved December 5, 2017, from https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/12/hot-weather-fetuses/547406/

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