Health and Fitness

Who are in risk of diabetes? What to do?

Who are in risk of diabetes?

Experts say that those whose parents, siblings or close relatives have diabetes have a higher risk of developing the disease.

In addition, those who do not walk regularly or do physical work, live a lazy or uncontrolled life, have a higher risk of contracting the disease.

In addition, women can get diabetes during pregnancy.

People with heart disease, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure are also at risk of developing this disease.

Children who are overweight, who have parents, siblings, grandparents or close relatives who have diabetes, who have had diabetes during their mother’s pregnancy, are at risk of developing diabetes.

What to do when you have diabetes?

Those at risk must be tested for diabetes once a year.

That’s why you don’t always have to go to the hospital. Now many pharmacies can test for diabetes quickly at low cost. If diabetes is diagnosed there, you must consult a specialist.

Close relatives of children who have a history of diabetes should also be tested at least once a year.

The sooner diabetes is diagnosed, the better for the patient. This will allow him to start treatment for the disease quickly, as well as bring his life under control.

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