Health and Fitness

How to control uric acid in the body

Many people suffer from uric acid problems. It starts to grow more and more with age. An increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood is a complex problem. When the amount of this acid in the body increases, high blood pressure increases, bone problems can occur. It can even cause kidney failure.

Usually unhealthy eating and uncontrolled lifestyle increase the amount of uric acid in the blood. It can also cause genetic problems in some people.

Uric acid is a chemical that is produced in the body during digestion. Uric acid contains a type of amino acid called ‘purines’ which is found in some foods. Uric acid is mixed with blood, purified in the kidneys, and excreted in the urine. But sometimes the body produces so much uric acid that it cannot be properly refined. Then various problems occur.

Some foods play an important role in reducing or increasing the amount of excess uric acid in the body. This is why you need to be careful about food to control uric acid. At the same time, we have to change the way of life.

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How to reduce uric acid:

  1. Add less oil and spices in cooking. Also avoid big fish, red meat, milk, bacon, liver, sugar. Avoid marine fish if you have uric acid problems.
  2. Start eating fat free milk. Also eat more peanut butter, fruits, vegetables. Can eat grains, bread, potatoes. Also make it a habit to eat black coffee without milk and sugar.
  3. Stay away from aspirin.
  4. Exercise regularly. So you can choose to walk or swim. Try to keep the weight under control. If there is blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, uric acid is likely to increase. As a result, always take care of your body.
  5. Juices, soft drinks, lachchi available in the market is not right to eat at all. This causes problems in misery. Stay away from this drink.

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6. Make a habit of drinking coffee instead of tea. Drinking three to four cups of black coffee every day keeps the body well. However, care must be taken to avoid kidney problems.

7. Put vitamin C on the food list. Eat lemon or vitamin C-rich fruits regularly. Vitamin C works great in controlling uric acid.

8. After protein digestion, the body produces ammonia. It also causes uric acid. So stop taking extra protein. People who exercise regularly or work out can eat a little more protein.

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Add some foods to your diet to reduce uric acid problems:

  1. Lean meat. In this case you can eat small chicken. In addition to fish, eggs can be eaten without the yolk.
  2. You can eat more fibrous and antioxidant foods. For this you can eat lemon tea, vitamin C rich fruits (guava, mango, orange, malt), green tea etc.
  3. Drink two and a half to three liters of water every day.

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