
Community engagement, needs and innovative solution

Here discussed specific role in engaging a community to understand their needs with the objective of creating an innovative solution to address those needs.

Specific Role in Engaging a Community to understand the needs: 

1. Inventory analysis, research methods to apply,  FGD, KII survey, understanding the current and past trends, history analysis, secondary data collection for study

2. Community driven plan design,  preparation, development and implementation

3. Need assessment for developing community action plan 

4. Ensuring Community Mobilization

5. Resources Mobilization with accountability and transparency

6. Strategic Partnerships building with Local, National Government and NGOs, multi stakeholders 

7. To apply both top to bottom and bottom to top approach for better Coordination 

8. Ensuring check and balance operations in the local administration for the community development

Innovative Solutions: 

1. Community involvement and participation, community partnerships development,

2. Gender sensitive Community engagement and Empowerment 

3. Knowledge Management and following Best practices from previous projects

4. Sustainable community Livelihood Management for decreasing poverty, inequalities and discrimination by increasing income, employment, wellbeing, asset, savings for  creating inclusive society.

5. Community Based Leadership Development for future Sustainability 

6. Practicing Indigenous community knowledge for solving specific community problems 

7. Ensuring to develop inclusive Legal and emergency Helpline system for the migrant Workers

8. To ensure standard healthcare  services system development for the migrant Workers

9. Ensuring sustainable economic development by considering environmental balancing for the community and by the community 

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