Health and Fitness

Clean and Healthy Diaper Change Expert Tips

Last updated on December 27th, 2020 at 05:48 pm

It is very common for babies to wear diapers. It saves working mother’s time as well as frees the house or clothes from getting dirty. But the most common problem that babies have is diaper rash. This rash is uncomfortable and painful for the child.

At first it may seem a little difficult to teach or change diapers but gradually it will become absolutely easy. Parents have to keep an eye on some things while teaching diapers. Or children who see and hear need to have enough knowledge about this.

Choose good quality diapers

The most important thing is to choose good quality diapers. Cheap and low quality diapers can cause serious harm to your baby. When choosing a diaper, look at its absorbency, comfort, and leakproof.

What to do when wearing diapers

If diapers cannot be taught too tightly, babies will be very uncomfortable. It should be changed within 6 hours (if it goes to the toilet then it should be changed immediately). The baby’s stool should be cleaned as soon as possible. If any rash is seen while changing diapers, antiseptic or diaper cream should be used as soon as possible and diapers should not be left on for some time.

Ways to clean the baby

The baby needs to be cleaned very carefully when changing diapers. This can be done using wet cloths, cotton balls or baby wipes to clean the baby’s underside. Always wipe the baby from the front to the back (never wipe from the back to the front, especially in the case of a girl, otherwise there may be a bacterial infection that can cause urinary tract infections). The folds of his knees and buttocks also need to be cleaned. When the baby is finished wiping, dry his body with a clean cloth and then use diaper ointment or moisturizing baby lotion.

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. Dirty diapers are not only smelly but can also cause many kinds of germs. So dirty diapers should be discarded regularly at least once a day.
  2. Tight diapers can cause scarring around the baby’s legs and waist for a long time, so children can get comfortable with loose diapers.
  3. Stop using diapers for a while if you notice rashes on the legs and waist at the place where the baby is wearing diapers.
  4. If the umbilical cord of the baby is not yet gone, fold the diaper around the waist to keep the area dry. Continue doing this until a few days after the pulse is gone.
  5. When the boy puts on the baby’s diaper, place the baby’s penis downwards before holding the diaper. This will prevent something liquid from rolling up to the surface of the waist.

Wash your hands thoroughly after changing your baby’s diaper to prevent germs from spreading.

Tags- diaper changing tips for baby boy, how to clean baby boy during diaper change, how to put on a diaper so it doesn’t leak, using diapers 24/7 for babies, how to put on a diaper correctly, side effects of diaper for baby girl, how to put on a disposable diaper, baby boy diaper problems.

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