Health and Fitness

Baby’s Teeth Brushing, Teeth Care, When to Start, How to Brush

Baby Teeth Care Tips

Due to the lack of parental care, many children have various problems with teeth and gums, including the shape of the teeth. Such as crooked teeth, tooth decay and gum infections. Let’s learn the tips of baby teeth care.

As a result, your sweetheart suffers for the rest of her life, as well as how dirty her smile becomes for her teeth.

So in today’s article we will explain why some children have dental and gum problems from an early age and these are the ways to prevent it.

Not taking care of the gums before the teeth appear

I know, maybe you are wondering what is the need to take care of the gums before the teeth grow. Maybe you don’t know that all babies are born with 10 pairs of teeth from the womb! These teeth are just hidden under the gums.

Infections can occur if the gums of newborns are not cleaned regularly, and sticky plaques can accumulate in the gums, which will later attack them after the teeth erupt.

What you should do

Clean the gums regularly, especially after meals. No! No toothpaste or brush is needed for this. Soak a clean soft cloth and gently rub her gums. This will keep your child gums well as well as the habit of cleaning the face.

Do not start brushing from the time of baby’s milk teeth

‘These are milk teeth, they will fall. So even if they are ruined, there is no harm ‘- this misconception is present in most people. The baby’s milk teeth are the place where his big teeth grow. If the baby teeth are damaged today, then there will be various problems even after the real teeth come out.

What you should do

Start brushing your baby’s teeth from the time the baby teeth appear. Choose a soft and small brush to brush twice. However, do not forget to use adult toothpaste. Because adult food habits cause more dirt and germs in the teeth, the toothpaste in adults contains more cleaning ingredients, which is not good for children. So use toothpaste specially made for children’s teeth. But until your baby is learning to spit, brush your baby with very little of tooth paste. And after every meal, give a little water, so that it becomes a little clean.

Putting the baby to sleep while feeding

Many people fall asleep while breastfeeding or feeding the baby. Or if he cries while sleeping, they feeds him and puts him back to sleep. This can lead to bacterial infections such as breast milk or infant formula.

What you should do

Try to put the baby to sleep with a pacifier or water bottle in his mouth. And even if he is fed in his sleep, wipe the inside of his mouth with a soft cloth.

Not brushing teeth in time

It does not happen that the milk tooth has fallen by itself. The adult has to be helped or the child may push with his tongue. But it is often seen that the child’s teeth have been moving for several days but are not reading. At this time, the real tooth has come under his milk tooth, but he cannot get up. If you are late, the lower tooth will become crooked which will damage the beauty of your baby’s face.

What you should do

As soon as the tooth starts to move, it should be removed. Go to the dentist if necessary. And if your child’s teeth are already crooked in this problem, then the dentist may suggest to remove any of the side teeth beforehand. This will correct the shape of his teeth.

Do not go to the dentist before the problem

No one comes to the dentist unless it hurts. This is what my dentist told me. Because of the negligence, I had to undergo root canal treatment for two teeth, which I probably would not have done in advance.

Do you want the same for your child? Certainly not.

What you should do

Then make an appointment with a dentist at least once a year. Start when your child is one year old. A dentist can understand the condition of your baby’s teeth and gums and give you special advice that we can’t.

Keep your baby’s teeth and gums healthy and beautiful

The shape of a baby’s face and the beauty of his smile depend on healthy strong teeth and gums. Also, if the teeth and gums are not healthy, your child will suffer from various problems throughout his life.

But you see, if you notice a little but your child can get rid of this problem.

You do everything for your child. So you have to start taking care of his teeth and gums. Do you?

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