Nowadays, eating disorders seem to be a daily occurrence. Adding to that is staying up at night and getting less sleep. As a result, the problem of acidity is appearing from this. Even taking a lot of medicine is not going to solve the problem.
Therefore, we have to try to solve the problem in a Homely way.
- Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach every morning. Include banana, watermelon, cucumber in your daily diet. Watermelon juice works like magic in acidity. Coconut water also plays a great role in reducing acidity.
- Eat a glass of milk every day. Do not take long breaks between meals. Eat a little at a time, but little by little. Avoid pickles, spicy foods.
- Indigestion, flatulence. In a pan, fry one teaspoon of joan and cool it to powder. Add a pinch of salt to it. It is very effective for abdominal pain and gas.
- Dip ginger in a glass of lukewarm water and mix one teaspoon of honey in it. Ginger honey blend is the best drink for acid reflux. Clove can also be used for heartburn.
- Don’t drink coffee, but drink herbal tea. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of hot water. Drink this drink after every meal. Or, boil a few mint leaves in water, then strain it and drink this water. The fruit will match in hand.
- Coriander seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that relieve stomach problems or indigestion. Coriander detoxifies the liver, increases appetite and improves digestion.
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