
5 Healthy Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin D

Last updated on January 30th, 2023 at 12:46 am

Source of vitamin D

Sunlight is one of the best sources of vitamin D. Apply light sun without going in the harsh sunlight. You can also do a little exercise in the light sun to make up for the lack of vitamin D. The sun light is best from 10 am to 3 pm. The light that comes from the sun at this time is good. Not just in winter, but in all seasons if we sit in the sun for a while, twice a week for five minutes to half an hour, it can be beneficial.

Vitamin D is also produced in the body by eating 5 regular meals. Find out the names of those 5 foods-

  • Cheese: Eat cheese to make vitamin D in the body. Eating cheese increases the level of calcium in the body.
  • Mushrooms: Before eating, you must wash and cook the mushrooms well. Consult a doctor if you are prone to allergies.
  • Oily fish or marine fish: Fish oil contains vitamin D. So eat enough marine fish.
  • Eating milk is important: Like mushrooms, milk also contains a lot of vitamin D. So it is important to eat milk or dairy foods to increase the body’s supply of vitamin D.
  • Eggs: If you want to meet the deficiency of vitamin D in the body, it is important to have one egg in your daily diet. According to nutritionists, eggs contain protein and beneficial cholesterol as well as vitamin D. So one or two eggs should be eaten daily to keep the body functioning and to get rid of various bone diseases.

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