Health and Fitness

Know about all health benefits of Onion

Last updated on November 25th, 2020 at 12:38 am

Think of a kitchen without onion.

Onion is required if you want to taste for cooking. However, while cutting the onions, you may start to weep. In spite of this, onion is must to add in cook. Apart from cooking, there are many more uses of onion. Onion health benefits given below:

  • If any part of the body become burnt in the fire, giving the onion paste will reduce the pain and marks not placed.
  • Onion juice strengthens hair and stops hair fall.
  • Apply onion at the insect bites place which will reduce the pain and also swelling.
  • If you are feeling of fever in the body then keep the onion slice into the socks after wearing, the fever will decrease surprisingly.
  • Onion juice mixed with a little honey reduce throat pain and cold cough.
  • The juice of Onion reduces burns in the skin, removes black spots and retains normal colors.
  • Onion keeps the heart healthy and keeps the bones good.
  • Onion are beneficial in worms problems.

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