Health and Fitness

Warning signs of cancer, which should not be ignored

If there is any disease, our body informs it through various signals.

In most cases of cancer, the body gives some premonition. By looking at some of the symptoms you may suspect that your body may have cancer.

What are the symptoms? Doctors says that there are basically seven signals.

That is why it is called the seven warning signs of cancer. Let’s find out what they are.

  • Suddenly started losing weight but there is no explanation.
  • Any change in the habit of digestion and defecation. Such as diarrhea or constipation. Like you may not have constipation but that is what has been happening lately. Or loose bowels.
  • Frequent fever or whooping cough which is not going away.
  • Presence of any lump or round piece anywhere on the body.
  • Broken voice which is not getting better with any treatment.
  • Obvious change of sesame or mole.
  • Abnormal bleeding from any part of the body.

If any of these symptoms or signs of body aches persist for two to three weeks and their general treatment does not subside – then seek medical attention with the word cancer in mind.

However, if any of the above symptoms appear, do not assume that you have cancer.

But there is no fault in being careful. So let’s go back to the doctor’s chamber.

Source: Bangladesh National Cancer Research Institute and Hospital

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