Health and Fitness

Why you should stop taking your phone to the toilet?

Using phones in the bathroom increases the risk of diseases. Nowadays everyone has at least one mobile phone! We need phones all the time. But nowadays people use mobile phones more for entertainment than talking on the phone.

Addiction to mobiles is not limited to adults only, children now do not eat, sleep without a phone and even sports have become phone-centric.

That is, everyone is now addicted to the phone. And because of this, many people cannot even think of spending a moment without their phone. So spend a long time in the bathroom or toilet with your phone.

Those who have this habit, be careful now. If not, you may suffer from serious diseases. The reason for this is that the bathroom or toilet is a breeding ground for germs.

Germs can enter your body in many ways if you spend a long time there. Let’s find out what diseases can spread in the body if you use a mobile phone in the bathroom.


Prolonged sitting on the toilet commode and using mobile phones increases the risk of piles. This habit causes constipation. Pressing too hard while toileting can lead to piles.

Urine infection

UTI or urinary infection is more common in women. It is a serious disease. This problem is more due to use of public and unclean toilets.

If you go to the bathroom with a mobile phone, UTI germs can also come from there. So be careful.

Germs also spread at home

If you take the phone to the bathroom, various bacteria and viruses stick to the mobile. Then it can spread throughout the house. Once these germs enter through the nose and mouth and can cause serious diseases in the body.


One of the causes of diarrhea is using dirty toilets. Diarrhea germs can spread in many ways, even picking up the phone in the bathroom can easily spread germs. Diarrhea may occur later.

Source: Healthshots

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