AIDS is one of the most important health crises in the world. HIV virus is responsible for this disease. According to the data of UNAIDS, about 34 million people in the world are currently infected with AIDS.
An average of 5,500 people are affected by AIDS every day. So far about 35 million people have died of this deadly disease.
According to the data of Worldometers, there are 4 crore 41 lakh 36 thousand 134 patients with HIV in the world. 15 lakh 40 thousand 69 people have died in the world due to this deadly virus.
It is known that this virus first started spreading in 1980. Everyone has more or less misconceptions about the deadly disease AIDS.
This is why the society looks down on AIDS patients. Everyone has the idea that the main cause of this disease is illegal intercourse!
Why does AIDS happen?
Apart from sexual intercourse, there are many reasons for becoming HIV positive. A retrovirus called ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus’ (HIV) is responsible for AIDS. The virus survives only in human blood and other bodily fluids.
Spread from the patient’s body to others through blood and semen. As it is transmitted through semen, this disease is considered as a ‘sexually transmitted disease’.
Once this virus enters the body, it weakens the immune system. The body cannot stop even a cold. As a result, death due to the effects of ‘acquired immunodeficiency syndrome’ or AIDS became certain.
However, there is no end to the efforts of medical science to save those infected with HIV. One study after another is going on.
How does AIDS spread?
- If a woman or a man has this virus in their body, then this retrovirus will easily enter the body of another person through sexual intercourse.
- There is no chance of contracting HIV by using condoms. Because you can be in danger if the condom leaks during sex with an infected person.
- If new syringes and needles are not used when injecting, the virus can quickly enter the body of others.
- A child born to a mother with AIDS can also develop AIDS. The virus enters the baby’s body through breastfeeding. According to UNICEF statistics, every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with AIDS in the world.
- Some modern medicines can extend the life of the patient with this disease for a few days, but all those treatment methods are not at all within the reach of the middle class.
- Injecting syringes, various surgical instruments inserted into the body of an HIV-infected person can spread the disease if they are mistakenly used in the body of a healthy person.
- The virus can spread from saliva and fluid from wounds on the gums and body of people infected with HIV.
What to do to prevent AIDS
- If you suffer from HIV, you must be careful. Take care that no one else in your family gets this deadly disease because of you. Also do regular checkups.
- If you are accidentally exposed to HIV, use post-exposure prophylaxis. In this case, you can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by taking PEP as soon as possible within the first 72 hours. In this case you have to take medicine for 28 days.
- Use a new condom every time you have sex.
- If you have HIV, inform your sexual partner in advance. If not, he may also be affected by your mistake.
- Make sure a clean needle is used while taking the injection.
- If you get pregnant while HIV positive then this infection can also happen in the baby. But if you start taking treatment during pregnancy, both you and the baby will be healthy.
- Various studies have shown that male circumcision helps reduce the risk of HIV infection.
1st December is World AIDS Day. This year’s theme of the day is ‘Eliminate inequality, build an AIDS-free world’. As every time, the initiative has been taken to celebrate the day in Bangladesh.
Since 1988, this day is being observed in the world with the aim of creating public awareness and prevention against AIDS.
Source: Myoclinic
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