
Why do women live longer than men? Average lifespan of woman

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Why men often die earlier than women?

So, Why is the average life expectancy of men less than women?

Men are lagging behind women in social protection. Which drives them to death.

Women or men, who lives longer is a question that is more or less in everyone’s mind. According to various studies, the average life expectancy of men is lower than that of women. There are many reasons why men live less than women.

Women are more regulated than men, with women being more likely to live longer than men.

The part of the brain that controls and considers the consequences of an action, or the frontal lobe, develops faster in women than in men or boys. As a result, women can control themselves more and earlier in any situation.

This is why men die more in accidents or violence than women. As can be said – women are slower to drive any vehicle, hence less prone to accidents.

Which is different for men. Even when it comes to making various decisions in life, women take decisions only after thinking about them. Whereas men make relatively snap decisions.
Apart from this, one more reason is specially mentioned.

That is, the rate of dying from heart disease at a young age is higher in men than in women. In fact, men are 50 percent more likely to die of heart disease than women. The reason behind this is that men have lower estrogen levels than women. In addition to this, high blood pressure or increased cholesterol levels are also considered to be the cause.

One more reason is considered more important at this time behind the short life expectancy of men.

That is – men are socially less protective of contact with others. It is said that men are lagging behind women in social protection. Which drives them to death.

Even men don’t want to care about many ailments. As a result, seeing doctors, regular checkups are avoided. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, men are more likely to avoid routine health care and have a lower rate of annual doctor visits than women. This is also considered to be the reason behind the shorter life expectancy of men.


Why do women live longer than men?

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