Many people think that raw food has more quality. Many people also believe that cooked food is better. The opinion of experts in all these matters is also different. But when cooking, the natural water in the food is reduced a lot.
As a result, the quality of water-soluble vitamins is lost. For this, lemon fruits are usually eaten raw.
Which one is better? Cooked vegetables or raw vegetables??
Some scientists believe that cooking destroys the natural nutrients in food. Others recommend eating raw food.
According to some experts, cooked food has more minerals. Boiling vegetables such as spinach reduces water content. As a result, the amount of minerals and various nutrients increases. Antioxidants, vitamin K, oil soluble vitamins are more active in food after cooking.
On the other hand, it is difficult to digest raw food. Food should be cooked for easy digestion. Many foods can be easily digested by cooking them. After cooking, some foods help in digestion by themselves.
Some foods contain antinutrients. These ingredients destroy the nutritional content of food. But cooking destroys them. As a result, the body is not harmed.
But science has not yet said anything specific. So nutritionists say to follow home rules in cooking and eating raw food.
Source: Hindustan Times Bangla.
Tags: raw vs cooked vegetables chart, what vegetables to eat raw or cooked, raw vs cooked vegetables digestion, raw or cooked vegetables, eating raw vegetables, raw or cooked vegetables for weight loss, which vegetables are healthier raw, disadvantages of eating raw vegetables