Last updated on November 25th, 2020 at 12:10 am
The discomforts you may feel when sleeping during pregnancy are back pain, shortness of breath, heart burn etc. To avoid the problems we have some solutions for you.
What is the best sleeping position during pregnancy?
The best sleeping position during pregnancy is sleeping on your left side. However, you can sleep both on your right and left side but Sleeping on left side helps to nourish your baby. Sleeping on left side increase the passing of blood and nutrients from placenta to baby. Your liver also pressed little by your weight if you sleep on left.
What sleeping positions should be avoided during pregnancy?
In the third trimester sleep on your back may increase the risk of stillbirth. Try to avoid sleep on your back and stomach. Sleeping on back slow down the blood circulation in your body and also in your baby. You can feel trouble in breathing too. And, undoubtedly sleeping on stomach is a very bad idea when you are pregnant. Its going to put direct pressure on your uterus and baby.
What if you wake up on back when sleeping?
When you are asleep, its not possible for you to control your sleep sides. So if you wake all of a sudden and see yourself sleeping on back then just settle yourself on your side. Do not panic. Sleeping in one position throughout the night is not possible and rolling is fine.
What are the best sleeping tips during pregnancy?
Resting is necessary during pregnancy. You can follow the tips to make yourself comfortable when sleeping-
- Try to put pillow between your knees. Keep your legs and knees bent. You can buy a pregnancy pillow or can put pillow under the body to prevent you moving frequently.
- “Practice makes a man/woman perfect.” Do practice from early pregnancy to sleep on your left side. It will make you cautious even when you are sleeping.