Everyone knows about weight gain, vomiting and fatigue during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body at this time can cause some more symptoms that have no reason to panic and at the same time not a cause for concern.
Weird pregnancy symptoms that are normal
White discharge:
Leukorrhea-like white discharge is not uncommon at this time. This happens during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Dr. Kelly Casper, a gynecologist at Indiana University, said that at this time, hormones cause excess discharge from the glands, which looks a lot like leukorrhea discharge. Excessive discharge can be seen 2/1 weeks before delivery as this fluid helps to open the cervix and soften the cervix to prepare the body for delivery. If the color of the discharge is white or yellowish, there is nothing to worry about. However, the fungus called yeast can cause itching in the vagina many times after discharge. But it should be noted that if the fluid is colorless like water and continues to be excreted in large quantities, it may not be a discharge but a hole in the cervix and the water in the womb may break, in which case you should seek medical attention immediately.
Very slight bleeding:
Very small amounts of bleeding are seen in the early 20 to 40 percent of pregnancies. This is due to excessive blood flow to the uterus during pregnancy or when the fetus begins to settle in the inner layer of the uterus, causing slight bleeding. This can happen within 7 to 12 days of fertilization. It is not uncommon for very small amounts of pink or dark blood to appear, but if a large amount of fresh blood is secreted which looks like menstruation, you should see a doctor immediately without delay. Excessive bleeding can cause miscarriage. There are many mothers who have given birth to healthy babies despite a small amount of bleeding, said Ginny Faulkner, a nurse in Portland.
Bleeding through the gums of the nose and teeth:
These become more sensitive as the blood flow in the blood vessels of the nose and mouth increases during pregnancy. That is why bleeding can often occur in these organs or when brushing teeth. In that case normal saline drops can be used on the nose while sleeping at night and brushing should be done carefully with a soft bristle brush while brushing the teeth.
Hanging skin:
During the period of 4 to 6 months of pregnancy, there is excessive growth of skin in the armpits, groin and other joints, resulting in hanging skin at the joints. Cracks are also seen around the abdomen. Experts believe that this is due to hormonal changes in the body and rapid weight gain. In most cases these symptoms gradually go away after delivery. However, the spots that fall around the abdomen may not be right for a long time, said Dr. New York dermatologist. Doris Day. It is best to see a doctor for a routine checkup for skin rashes and cracking symptoms. It is a common occurrence in pregnancy but in very rare cases it can cause skin cancer.
Feeling the sound of your own heartbeat:
As the blood flow level in the body increases, the heart has to pump extra blood quickly, so the heartbeat can be heard in the ears – there is no reason to worry.
Swelling of the blood vessels around the legs and vagina:
Due to the holding of the baby in the uterus and the increase in blood flow, there is pressure on the main blood vessels. As a result, it obstructs the blood flow in the thin ducts. As the blood flow to the lower part of the abdomen is not equal, the blood vessels in the legs become swollen and watery. This type of problem can also occur around the vagina. This makes the pregnant woman feel uncomfortable. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Wearing compressive tights pants will give you some comfort in this case. This problem goes away on its own after delivery. An ice sack around the vagina can provide some comfort.
Darkening around the nipple:
The brown part around the breasts of pregnant women turns black and this part expands. Dr. explained that the breast stalk is prepared to make the baby drink milk naturally. Faulkner.
Numbness and tingling:
Hormonal effects during pregnancy cause the lumbar spine to expand and other joints to loosen, which can cause sciatica or lower back pain and numbness and tingling in the legs. This problem can be overcome with massage and yoga which are useful for pregnant women. Excessive numbness can damage the sciatic nerve, in which case a doctor should be consulted immediately or the lower back may become numb for life.
Feeling of pain in the wrist:
Swelling of the muscles can cause pain in the wrists and pressure on the nerves in the hands can also cause symptoms towards the end of pregnancy, which can lead to numbness and tingling in the fingers. In medical terms it is called carpal tunnel syndrome. The use of special braces or splints for the hands provides relief from these symptoms. This pain decreases after delivery.
Horrible dreams:
It is not strange to have a terrible dream (which seems to be real) because of the extra worries about the unborn child. Anxiety about the unborn child takes root in the mother’s mind in the subconscious mind, which is reflected in this nightmare. Dr. Casper said all these dreams are not predictions of something bad.
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