There is a lot of trouble in your office, the boss doesn’t like you. He sometimes looks at you through his glasses as if you are from another planet. He never cares about your words or actions. He gets annoyed even when he sees you or hears your talk. After all, he can’t even stand your presence.
You report to your boss, he takes the work from you and with your help he performs various tasks and presents them to his boss. But at the top level he never reveals your name but continues your work as his own. Sometimes he avoids you. But why is he doing this? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why your boss dislikes you:
Keep continue Good work
When you do well, success in your work, your boss may fear you because you can beat him. Many suffer from an emotional dilemma. Many people think, this baby boy understands more than me? As a result, he will not want to let you do any work independently. In all cases he will want to take credit. In this case the suggestion is, keep up the good work. You must move forward.
Do not make mistakes repeatedly
In this case, it is your fault. If you repeatedly do something wrong, your boss will get a chance. He will lose trust in you. As the saying goes, he who works makes mistakes. Mistakes may be made, but making the same mistakes over and over again is unfair. It may even lose your job at some point. So make yourself efficient and alert.
Praise your Boss
If your boss thinks that you are constantly criticizing him or saying bad things about him behind the scenes, and if this is even a little true, then your relationship with your boss may turn bitter.
Be a good person to your Boss’s Boss too
If your boss gets treated badly by his boss, it can affect you too. And if you are the cause of that bad use, then there is nothing to say.
Do not show off
If you are smarter than your boss, more updated, you know more about this generation than your boss, then your boss may think of you as a rival. He depends on your work but may dislike you as a rival.
Try to understand your Boss
Many people cannot follow the boss’s mind. This creates a distance with the boss. Some bosses want their employees to support them in all kinds of tasks. There are some bosses who want, if he smiles, his subordinates will also smile. Kind of flattering. Again no flattery in all cases. Many times it was seen that the boss is very busy. At such a time you went and said, you will leave earlier today. Where the boss is working, if you are not his comrade, how can the boss trust you? In this case you have to say lack of common sense.
Be serious to your job
If you have a lot of friends and you create an office hangout with those friends, your boss might get annoyed with you. Many people spend hours in the office making phone calls for no reason. The boss does not like this. Many people lie on the phone in front of the person on the other end. So what is the guarantee that you will not lie to the boss tomorrow? Lies but lighten the place of faith.
Take responsibilities
To grow in life, you must learn to take responsibility. People look for someone who knows what to do. The reward of work is responsibility. Many people want to avoid responsibility, do not want to take up work. Bosses don’t look good on this kind of evasive type of worker.
Wait for suitable time to talk about salary increase
You are not happy with your salary, but the boss thinks the salary you are getting is fair. In this situation you have a conflict with the boss, the boss does not like you. There are many workers who go to the boss’s ears daily and ask for a raise, thereby gradually becoming disliked by the boss.
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