Health and Fitness

Tips for eye health and manage eyesight

Many people think that eye sight decreases with age. And watching television or using any digital device for a long time puts pressure on the eyes. These are undoubtedly important in eye problems. However, the risk of eye problems can be greatly reduced through proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

There are certain vitamins and minerals that can help improve eyesight. For example-

Vegetables and fruits: Green vegetables and yellow fruits, vegetables are important sources of vitamin A. Including them in the regular diet will improve eyesight tremendously. Vitamin A helps in making pigment in the eyes. At the same time, it also nourishes other parts of the eye.

Vitamin E and Omega Three Fats: These two ingredients are good for the eyes. Dark green leafy vegetables and seafood are rich sources of vitamin E and omega three fatty acids. It also helps prevent age-related vision loss.

Zinc-rich foods: Zinc is a mineral that helps maintain the health of the retina, cell membranes, and protein structures of the eye. It is mainly found in nuts, oilseeds, meat and eggs.

Vitamin C: Citric acid-rich fruits such as oranges, lemons, and green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin C, which protects the eyes from ultraviolet rays and oxidative damage.

Other things to do for eye health-

  1. Keep eyes moist or hydrated by drinking plenty of water and drinks to maintain good eye health.
  2. Wear sunglasses when going outside because too much sunlight can cause cataracts.
  3. Smoking can be harmful to the eyes, so it is better to avoid smoking. Smoking also has other long-term effects on health.
  4. Always wash your hands before putting on lenses.
  5. Look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to reduce eye strain caused by computer use.

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