More than 50 percent of people with diabetes are unaware that they have the disease. They were diagnosed with this disease while being tested for some other disease. But if diabetes can be controlled, it is possible to live a healthy life for a long time, say doctors.
A survey by the National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT) showed that the total number of people with diabetes in the country is 10 million. Among them, the number of 18 to 34 years old is 2.6 lakh and the number of people above 35 years old is 8.4 lakh.
Experts say that if diabetes is undiagnosed or untreated for a long time, kidneys, liver, and eyes are damaged. Along with that, the skin of the body is damaged, the hair falls. Other parts of the body can also suffer damage.
Experts say that those who do more physical activity, if someone walks at least 10,000 steps every day, even if they are diabetic, it will be under control. In addition, 75 percent of type 2 diabetes can be prevented if you are careful in advance, do physical work and control your diet and lifestyle. But once you have diabetes there is no getting rid of this disease.
What are the symptoms of being diabetic?
Symptoms to watch out for and get diabetes tested-
- Frequent urination and thirst
- Feeling weak, dizzy
- Increased appetite
- If you don’t eat and drink on time, the blood sugar will drop and become hypo
- Increased craving for sweets
- Losing a lot of weight without any reason
- Even if there is a wound or cut on the body, it does not heal for a long time
- Dry, crusty and itchy skin
- Irritability and irritability
- Starting to see less in the eyes
Who is at risk for diabetes?
Those at higher risk – Experts say that those whose parents, siblings or close relatives have diabetes are at a higher risk of developing the disease.
- People who do not walk or exercise regularly, lead a lazy or unregulated life, are more at risk of getting this disease.
- Women can develop diabetes during pregnancy.
- People with heart disease, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, are also at risk of developing this disease.
- Children who are overweight, who have parents, siblings, grandparents, grandparents or close relatives with diabetes, whose mother had diabetes during pregnancy, are at risk of developing diabetes.
The earlier diabetes is detected, the better it is for the patient. As he can start the treatment of the disease quickly, his lifestyle will also come under control.
Source: BBC Bangla
Tags: What are 10 warning signs of diabetes? Why is it important to check for diabetes? What is the most important test for diabetes? When should diabetes be checked? Diabetes test, Diabetes symptoms, Type 2 diabetes symptoms, Causes of diabetes, What is diabetes, Causes of diabetes mellitus, Type 1 diabetes, What is diabetes mellitus,