Health and Fitness

Symptoms of lack of vitamins in the body

Sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber is required to keep the body healthy. From boosting immunity to taking care of bones, regulating hormonal activity, there is no substitute for nutrients to maintain overall well-being.

According to the information of the United States’ National Health Service, various physical problems occur when there is a lack of various vitamins in the body. Nutritionists say that a total of 13 vitamins are required to keep the body healthy. Different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin deficiency is the cause of various diseases. In general, vitamin deficiency causes problems like fatigue, weakness, dizziness, restlessness. Apart from this, vitamin deficiency manifests itself through various symptoms.

The problems that occur when there is vitamin deficiency in the body-

Bleeding gums: Bleeding gums occur when the body develops vitamin C deficiency. This vitamin is very effective in healing any wound in the body quickly. Vitamin C is very important to prevent cell damage in the body. For this reason, it is important to keep vitamin C-rich foods in the daily diet. Winter is ahead. A regular orange to meet the needs of vitamin C at this time. Apart from this, it is important to eat foods like strawberries, cabbage, tomatoes.

Hair fall and broken nails: Many people suffer from these two problems due to lack of adequate care. Also, these problems can occur if there is a lack of vitamin B7 in the body. Another name of Vitamin B7 is ‘Biotin’. Deficiency of biotin in the body causes problems like brittle nails and hair loss. You can keep foods like eggs, fish, spinach, cauliflower, bananas in your diet to meet the needs of vitamin B7 in the body.

Mouth ulcers: When the amount of vitamin B in the body decreases, mouth ulcers occur. Deficiency of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 causes these ulcers. If you are not careful about mouth ulcers from the beginning, the danger can increase later. You can rely on nuts, green vegetables, dairy foods to fill the deficiency of vitamin B12.

Low vision at night: There are many people who see a little blurry at night. This disease is mainly caused by lack of vitamin A. The role of vitamin A is essential to keep the body healthy. So eat more vitamin A-rich foods like carrots, dairy foods to stay healthy.

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