Development programs are designed to address the needs and constraints for the community and their environment where they live. In order to do that a number of project interventions are planned to achieve desired objectives. Some project support is time bound having limited resources to do the interventions but expected to promote sustainable development for the target communities.
Sustainable development is a key challenge to overcome for the long run outcome of the projects. There are some strategies to follow the project activities to get better outcome in the future.
Let us explain how sustainability could be ensured and measured in case of a community resilience program. Some of them are discussed in details:
- Community Based Organization is one the key.
- Community resilience building up in livelihood, education, social issues in different sectors.
- Community Leadership among different class of people with resprct to Age, Sex, Gender, Institutional classifications.
- Trainings, education, better practices of the project activities among the communities to build their capacity.
- Community networking and coordination to the other government organizations, stakeholders to get their rights.
- Community awareness is another key matter in different issues like emergency response, sanitation, education of their children, maternity issues, sexual provision to girls etc.
- Sectoral approaches and bottom to top approaches should be followed.