BangladeshHealth and Fitness

Square hospital Neurology Doctor list, Contact Number 2024

Last updated on February 22nd, 2024 at 09:42 pm

A number of popular Government Hospitals, Private Hospitals, Clinics, Pathology, Diagnostics center and health care centers are located in Bangladesh. The health care providers in Bangladesh ensuring best health cares in different categories like Child, Cancer, Mother, Dental, Urology, Kidney, Cardiac, Eye and many others. Square Hospital is one of the popular hospital in Bangladesh.

Square hospital Neurology list. ইন Square hospital received a lot of reputation for its modern and best quality medical services. Every year many patients from different parts of Bangladesh visit to this hospital for better treatment. This is why before getting treatment in this hospital, people may want to know the square hospital doctor list. Today we shared here Square Hospital Neurology Doctor List in this post.

Square Hospital Doctor List, Address & Contact Number

Square Hospital Contact Number & Address:

Address: 18F, Bir Uttam Qazi Nuruzzaman Sarak, West Panthapath, Dhaka 1205
Square Hospital Hotline: 10616
Contact and Appointment Number: (880-2) 8144400, 8142431, Mobile: 01713141447

Square Hospital Neurology Doctor List / Square Hospital Neuro Surgery Doctor List /Square Hospital Neuromedicine Doctor List

Dr. A M Rejaus Satter

Specialty – Consultant, Neurosurgery

Degree – MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), MS (Neurosurgery)

Chamber: Square Hospital, Dhaka

Address: 8/F, Kazi Nuruzzaman Road, West Panthapath, Dhaka

Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour

Contact Number: 10616

Phone: 028144400, 028142431, Mobile: 01713141447

Dr. Md. Sirazul Haque Ershad

Specialty – Associate Consultant, Neurosurgery

Degree – MBBS, MS (Neurosurgery), Fellowship in Neuro intervention (INK, India)

Chamber: Square Hospital, Dhaka

Address: 8/F, Kazi Nuruzzaman Road, West Panthapath, Dhaka

Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour

Contact Number: 10616

Phone: 028144400, 028142431, Mobile: 01713141447

Prof. Dr. Abdul Kader Shaikh

Specialty – Senior Consultant, Neurology

Degree – MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD, (Neurology) DU

Chamber: Square Hospital, Dhaka

Address: 8/F, Kazi Nuruzzaman Road, West Panthapath, Dhaka

Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour

Contact Number: 10616

Phone: 028144400, 028142431, Mobile: 01713141447

Square Hospital Gynecologist list, Contact, Mobile Number

Dr. Mofizur Rahman

Specialty – Senior Consultant, Neurology

Degree – MBBS, Diploma in Clinical Neurology (UK), MSc Neuroscience (UK)

Associate Prof. Dr. Sk. Mahbub Alam

Specialty – Consultant, Neuromedicine. Neurologist, Epileptologist & Neuromuscular Disorder Specialist

Degree – MBBS, MD (Neurology), BSMMU Fellowship in Neuro-electrophysiology (UM,Malaysia)

Chamber: Square Hospital, Dhaka

Address: 8/F, Kazi Nuruzzaman Road, West Panthapath, Dhaka

Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour

Contact Number: 10616

Phone: 028144400, 028142431, Mobile: 01713141447


Dr. Rama Biswas

Specialty – Associate Consultant, Neurology

Degree – MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Neurology)

Chamber: Square Hospital, Dhaka

Address: 8/F, Kazi Nuruzzaman Road, West Panthapath, Dhaka

Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour

Contact Number: 10616

Phone: 028144400, 028142431, Mobile: 01713141447

Brig. Gen. Prof. Dr. Ismail Chowdhury

Specialty – Consultant, Neurology

Degree – MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Neurology)

Chamber: Square Hospital, Dhaka

Address: 8/F, Kazi Nuruzzaman Road, West Panthapath, Dhaka

Visiting Hour: Unknown. Please call to know visiting hour

Contact Number: 10616

Phone: 028144400, 028142431, Mobile: 01713141447

স্কয়ার হাসপাতাল ফোন নাম্বার, Square Hospital Appointment, স্কয়ারে হাসপাতাল গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি ডাক্তার লিস্ট, Square Hospital Doctor List, square hospital neurosurgeon doctor list, স্কয়ার হাসপাতাল গাইনি ডাক্তারের তালিকা, square hospital nephrology doctor list, স্কয়ার হাসপাতাল সিলেট,

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