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Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of SPRC Neurology Hospital are given in detail. SPRC Neurology Hospital doctor list 2024.
SPRC Neurology Hospital have changed the contact number for an appointment.
Hotline: 02-222 229 089 and 02-222 222 744
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SPRC & Neurology Hospital Doctor List & Contact
Name: SPRC & Neurology Hospital
Address: 135, New Eskaton Road (Opposite to Dilu Road), Dhaka – 1000
Contact: +8802222229089
Website: https://www.sprcnh.com/
SPRC & Neurology Hospital Doctor List
Prof. Dr. Quazi Deen Mohammad
MBBS, MD (Neurology), FCPS (Medicine), Fellow in Neurology (USA)
Neurology & Medicine Specialist
Director & Professor, Neurology
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital
SPRC & Neurology Hospital
Address: 135, New Eskaton Road (Opposite to Dilu Road), Dhaka – 1000
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 8pm (Closed: Thu & Friday)
Appointment: +8801765660811
Prof. Dr. Md. Moyeenuzzaman
MBBS, FCPS (Physical Medicine)
WHO Fellow Rehabilitation Medicine (Singapore)
Physical Medicine (Arthritis, Pain, Paralysis, Sports Injury) Specialist
Former Professor & Head, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
SPRC & Neurology Hospital
Address: 135, New Eskaton Road (Opposite to Dilu Road), Dhaka – 1000
Visiting Hour: 6pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8802222229089
Prof. Dr. Md. Shahidur Rahman
MBBS, FCPS (Physical Medicine)
Physical Medicine (Pain, Arthritis, Paralysis) & Rehabilitation Specialist
Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
SPRC & Neurology Hospital
Address: 135, New Eskaton Road (Opposite to Dilu Road), Dhaka – 1000
Visiting Hour: 6pm to 9pm (Closed: Friday)
Appointment: +8801716040807

In the End
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