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Shin-Shin Japan Hospital is committed to ensuring proper medical care at low cost following the Japanese theme. The hospital is always dedicated to provide proper treatment for its patients.
Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of Shin-Shin Japan Hospital are given in detail. Shin-Shin Japan Hospital doctor list 2024.
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Shin-Shin Japan Hospital Location, Hotline
Address: 17 Garib-e-Newaj Avenue, Sector-11, Uttara,
Phone Number: 02-58953429
Prof. Dr. Liakat Hossain Tapan
MBBS, BCS (Health), D-CARD, MSC (HS)
Cardiology Specialist
Professor & Head, Cardiology
Khulna Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Nargis Rahman
MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health), MD (Pediatric), PhD
Newborn & Child Diseases Specialist
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Birdem General Hospital & Ibrahim Medical College
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Khan Lamia Nahid
MBBS (DMC), FCPS (Pediatrics), MD (Pediatrics Gastroenterology)
Child Diseases & Child Gastroenterology Specialist
Associate Professor, Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Istiaque Hossain
BDS (DU), PGT (Oral Surgery)
Oral & Dental Surgeon
Consultant, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. A.K.M. Munirul Haque
Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
Senior Consultant & Head, ENT
Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Capt. M. Asaduzzaman
ENT Diseases Specialist & Surgeon
Associate Professor & Head, ENT
Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Shilpi Saha
MBBS, FCPS (OBGYN), Training (Infertility)
Gynecology, Obstetrics, Infertility Specialist & Surgeon
Associate Professor, Gynecology
Medical College for Women & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Rokeya Rahman
Gynecology, Obstetrics Specialist & Surgeon
Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Fahima Afroz
MBBS, MRCOG (UK), Higher Training in Infertility (India)
Gynecology & Infertility Specialist
Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrician
Ahsania Mission Cancer & General Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Mobinur Rahman
MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), MACP (USA)
Medicine Specialist
Associate Professor, Medicine
Tairunnessa Memorial Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Nur Alam Lelin
MBBS (SSMC), BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), CCD (BIRDEM)
Medicine & Diabetes Specialist
Consultant, Medicine
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. B.U.M. Wahid Ahmed
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine Specialist
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565

Dr. Kingshuk Abir
MBBS, MD (Neurology)
Neurology (Brain, Stroke, Headache, Movement) Specialist
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Tairunnessa Memorial Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Humayun Rashid (Sagor)
MBBS, MS (Neurosurgery)
Neurosurgery (Brain, Nerve, Spine, Stroke Surgery) Specialist
Associate Professor & Head, Neurosurgery
East West Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Ahamedur Reza
MBBS, FCPS (Physical Medicine)
Arthritis, Paralysis, Pain & Physical Medicine Specialist
Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Uttara Adhunik Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Abdul Karim
MBBS (Dhaka), PGT (Skin & VD)
Skin, Allergy & Sexual Diseases Specialist
Registrar, Dermatology & Venereology
Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Ishtiaq Alam
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery), MS (Colorectal Surgery), FACS (USA)
General, Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgery Specialist
Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Abscess, Hydrocele, Hernia & Gallstones Specialist Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
Dr. Md. Mahfuzul Momen
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery), DMAS (Laparoscopy)
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Medical College for Women & Hospital
Shin Shin Japan Hospital, Uttara
Address: 17, Garib E Nawaz Ave, Sector # 11, Uttara, Dhaka
Visiting Hour: Unknown
Appointment: +8801929478565
In the End
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