
Reduce expenses – 7 things you’ll regret not doing sooner

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If you are aware from the beginning of the year, you can surely save symbolic pictures. You may have been thinking about reining in spending for several years. But nothing can bring the cost. House rent, electricity-gas bills, market costs—all add up to disorientation. However, it is wise to try to be frugal with hardship in mind. Just as your income is not increasing suddenly, you cannot suddenly reduce the cost of any major sector. But there are still small things that you can adjust from the beginning of the year to become frugal.

These 5 habits from the beginning of the year can reduce expenses

Save electricity

Use energy-efficient products. Do not leave electrical appliances running unnecessarily; Instead, you can unplug it if you don’t need it. It is best to turn off the router and unplug it when needed. Wake up early in the morning. Work in daylight, so you don’t need to turn on too many lights at night, or work in dim light. Avoid the habit of watching television or using mobile phones at night. Reduce dependence on gadgets. If you have children at home, keep creative arrangements for their entertainment as well.

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Stay healthy, save money

Daily walking can also keep you ‘fit’ at no cost. If you need 20-30 taka to go by rickshaw, walk that way. If you save 40-60 taka in two meals every day, you will save quite a bit in a month. Daily walking can also keep you ‘fit’ at no cost. Not only does going to the gym to stay healthy require extra spending, if you walk briskly; It is better if you do different types of physical exercise with it. In the morning, he may have walked some distance to the office, and on the way back from the office, he walked again in the same way; At any time, he did free hand exercises in the park near the house or on the roof of the house. Well, the gym is done. Jumping rope can also be great exercise. In the afternoon you can enjoy some running and jumping games with the children. You can buy bicycles for yourself and children. This one-time investment will reduce your travel expenses a lot. Use public transport to cover longer distances. Ensuring health will also reduce your expenses for doctors or medicines.

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Calculate the cost

Keep track of how much is being spent in which sector every month. You will get an idea of ​​the cost from the bank statement. Cut expenses bit by bit. Avoid unnecessary expenses altogether. Hobby expenses should also be reduced. Remove yourself from the expense that life is forever passing by. Resolve to save some money. Many people end up spending extra while taking advantage of credit cards. So think whether you will take such a service or not. Buy new clothes? Before that, you can make some changes in the design and style of the old clothes. You can do some beauty work at home.

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You don’t have to eat to reduce costs, but that’s not it; Rather, you need to know the nutritional value of food. Find out how to meet your daily nutritional needs in affordable foods. You can also make bahari pada with the same materials. Go to the raw market with a little trouble instead of shopping comfortably at the supershop. Go out for coffee? no need Make coffee at home and take a walk outside in the open air. Save on restaurant costs. Going out to eat with friends? No, rather invite them at home. Feeding will be done at low cost. Get out of that idea that invitation means ten kinds of pada. You can also organize such that everyone brings a different post. Take food from home to the office as well.

Entertainment and socializing

Do fun things for fun that cost less. Friends can practice reading books together. It will also reduce dependence on digital devices. Ten people can read one friend’s book. Ekushey Book Fair is coming up. Make a list of what books you want to read together with your friends. Buy books in installments. If you want to give a gift to someone during the festival, you can use your creativity or you can buy gifts together with others.

Source: Reader’s Digest

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