Fashion and Beauty

The reasons for aging look and loosing younger skin early!

Last updated on November 25th, 2020 at 12:35 am

With age, you may find out wrinkles, lines, spots on the skin, but regular skin and health care can keep your aging behind. After thirty years of age you should start an extra care of yourself. Sun exposure, smoking, anxiety, dehydration and environmental or genetic reasons etc are responsible for rapid aging. Nobody can take early aging easily and spends a lot of time and money to reverse back the younger skin.

Following are the reasons of early aging-

Sun exposure

Ultraviolet rays of sunlight and excessive sun exposure increase skin ageing. The effect of sun breaks the skin collagen and elastin fiber. These fiber usually help in the formation of skin connective tissue. When these fibers are broken then skin becomes weak and lose elasticity. As a result, the skin begin to show ageing effects. The people spend more time in sunlight for work, their skin is likely to get older soon. The climate change and other harmful rays also increasing the chances of skin aging which can not be avoided.

Unhealthy and irregular eating habits

Balanced food, adequate water and timely food intake keep our body’s normal activity active. The excessive amount of oil or fat food and fast food increases body fat rapidly which interrupts the daily lifestyle badly. Heavy weight or low weight both are harmful for the health. If weight increases, the inability to work comes and the disease resistance capacity decreases in the body and aging comes quickly.

Irregular Sleep and stress

Regular sleep is extremely beneficial for the body. If you do not leave the habit of staying awake at night then you can easily get tired. You need at least 6 to 8 hours sleep in a day. Always keep yourself free from excess stress because sad life makes us sick. Those who remain under stress may get quick aging on their appearance because excessive stress affects our body seriously.

Skin dryness

Those who have excess skin dryness, aging appears quickly in their skin. So the need for excessive care of dry skin is needed. Moreover, when the skin reduced its natural oil then the skin loses its elasticity and youth look.

Smoking and drinking

Those who smoke regularly their skin blood supply reduces that accelerate the process of skin aging. Generally, excessive smoking and drinking are not good for us. These habits increase our health risk and reduce the required nutrition from the body. Hydration, collagen, elastin and oxygen are required for younger looking skin which are wasted by smoking and drinking. The smoker’s face appears lines, start skin folding at forehead, and causing extensive damage to the tooth. There is a lack of oxygen in their body and the appearance of aging becomes apparent. Along with the damage of liver and kidneys, excessive drinking also creates permanent marks in the body.

Irregular exercise

Regular exercises and yoga hold the fitness of our body. Regular exercises keeps our mind calm, weights remain controlled, blood circulation remains normal. Regular exercises keeps us younger looking.

Age impact

As people grow older, their skin becomes thin, dry and less elastic and is less able to protect themselves from any type of damage. And therefore, lines, scars, and aggravation of age on the skin are noticeable. When a person is young, he has elastic capacity of his skin, but when his age is increasing, his skin is losing elasticity, so it takes time to recover any type of damage and it get permanent as soon as the age increases.

Facial movement

Facial movement lines like smiling, frowning may cause lines in skin but disappears rapidly at younger age. The lines become more visible with age as the skin starts losing its elasticity. At young age skin reverse back the lines, but with age. springing back becomes delayed and get permanent slowly.

Aging is natural phenomena and no one can stop it but can control partially and can be delayed if you can maintain a healthier lifestyle.

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