Rohingya crisis initiated when Myanmar got liberation in 1948. Rohingyas are the ethnic minority people at cox’s bazar state in Myanmar. Myanmar (also known as Burma) received independence on that time but the Arakan state (present Rakhaiyne) became vulnerable towards extreme violence and atrocities.
Rakhaiyne is the state of Myanmar which is positioned south east of Naf River and Bay of Bengal. In 1982, Myanmar gave recognition 135 communities except Rakhaiyne which imposed them to lose their citizenship and right of their land where they are living from years to years. History carries unspoiled witness of their ancestors living in Rakhaiyne state for longer time. According to Kofi Annan commission, Rohingya peoples in this Rakhyine state are most tortured landless victims in the world. Rohingya muslim who are the ethnic minority group in Myanmar are facing boundless violence and harassment who is seeking own identity immensely.
Aung san Suu Kyi, Myanmar present-day president, equaled Rohingya with Muslim terrorists. As a result of this, Rohingya Muslims are enforcing to migrate by the Myanmar Army. They are facing violation, arson and other atrocities in their living place. A mass migration happened due to the boundless violence upon them and majority are taking shelter in Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh.
Cox’s bazar is one of the largest sea beach of the world and a popular tourist zone. The place is now flooded by the footprint of Rohingya. Last two months of August and September about a quarter of million Rohingya has taken shelter here and the flow of migration is still continuing in a fluctuate rate. Despite as a small developing country and limited affordability, Bangladesh is giving shelter to these migrated people but this continuation of migration is matter of think. Bangladesh is trying to find a democratic solution from international level.
The prime Minister of Bangladesh has proposed specific 5 solutions for this situation in 72nd UN general assembly at Network. If it would possible to implement the 88 suggestive solution by the Kofi Annan commission, then the problem would solve.
ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) is the group of team made by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia active agents. They are influencing the rohingya people for asking their rights to Myanmar Government. They attacked on Myanmar police force on August, 2017 which increased the atrocities on rohingya people more in present days. Myanmar government is saying that only police and Border guard cannot control this whole situation that is why army has involved to take action. However, according to their statements, all of the actions are happening due to security reasons though the armies are doing extreme atrocities on Rohingya in Rakhyine state. They firing house, brutally killing people, sexually assaulting women and children and also other atrocities is happening there.
The army people do not allow most of the rohingya men to pass the border as they are identifying them as extremist. The major percentage of the enforced migrated rohingya across the Bangladesh border are woman. Some of them are allowing to bring the necessary things where many cannot arrange those also. They have to pay money also for reaching in Bangladesh border to the boatman and other middleman. Rohingys are migrating to Bangladesh by way of fighting the wave of the river. They have to do a long journey for 6 to 7 days to arrive here.
Due to lack of birth control policies in rakhiyne state the number of children is also multiple in each family. Women who are pregnant are giving birth of the baby on their passageway while many are already pregnant and facing relentless suffering. Many children are in traumatize situation and coming without any family members. They are facing lack of food, security, water, sanitation, nutrition, shelter etc who need special assistance immidiately.
The migrated Rohingya’s has taken shelter in makeshift of allocated places by the Bangladesh Government and the newly migrated Rohingya are taking shelter in open spaces made of bamboo and polythene sheets. This temporary shelter is also vulnerable especially for adolescents, children and women considering the security purposes. The makeshift has made on muddy place which holds huge probability of spreading waterborne diseases due to unsafe water and sanitation. There has no provision of hospitalization for emergency medication also.
Human Rights Watch form a report by analyzing the satellite images. According to the recent report, during the period of 25th August to 25th September more than 90% area has found burnt at several villages in Rakhyine. Upshot, Rohingya people are facing extreme violation in their own land which imposing themselves to flee from their land. Many government, non-government and international agencies are raising their hand for theses helpless people which is remarkable. The humanitarian agencies are seeking fund and donation for helping this largest ethnic minority group.