
Rangpur Train Schedule, Ticket Price, Time, Booking

Last updated on January 4th, 2024 at 01:33 am

Time Schedule of Rangpur Railway Station

New schedule ofRangpur train, train departure and arrival time. Schedule ofRangpur Train of Bangladesh Railway, Time of departure and arrival of train, Schedule of today’s train, Ticket price, Schedule of all intercity trains ofRangpur, Mail / Express train. In addition, it is very easy to buy tickets on the online e-ticketing system and pay with the bKash app. Find outRangpur Station Schedule, Train Weekly Closure, Today’s Train Schedule And all the information.

Bangladesh Railway all trains schedule, ticket price, routes, booking

Rangpur Express Train Schedule

 If you’re trying to findRangpur train schedule then you might be in the right place. Here we’ve shared the recentRangpur train schedule according to Bangladesh railway.

Intercity Trains From Rangpur

Train NoNameOff DayFromDepartureToArrival
767Dolonchapa ExpressNoRangpur16:40Dinajpur20:20
768Dolonchapa ExpressNoRangpur08:11Santahar12:20
772Rangpur ExpressSundayRangpur20:.00Dhaka06:05

Mail/Express Trains From Rangpur : 

Train NoNameOff DayFromDepartureToArrival
7Uttarbanga MailNoRangpur15:42Panchagar21:30
8Uttarbanga MailNoRangpur15:42Shantahar22:40
59Ramsagor ExpressNoRangpur10:03Dinajpur13:20
60Ramsagor ExpressNoRangpur18:20Bonarpara21:45
61Dinajpur CommuterNoRangpur08:11Birol10:40
62Dinajpur CommuterNoRangpur13:27Lalmonorhat14:50
63Lalmoni CommuterNoRangpur14:02Parbotipur15:30
64Lalmoni CommuterNoRangpur06:55Lalmonirhat08:00
69Parbatipur CommuterNoRangpur 18:21Parbotipur 19:20
70Parbatipur CommuterNoRangpur21:25Lalmonirhat22:25
 Rangpur Commuter-1NoRangpur13:25Parbotipur14:20
 Rangpur Commuter-2NoRangpur10:57Lalmonirhat11:50

Rangpur To Dhaka Train schedule

There are 1 trains available fromRangpur To Dhaka. The train schedule is given here. The schedule mentioned here is based on Bangladesh Railway.

Train NameOff DayDeparture TimeArrival Time
Rangpur Express 772Sunday20:1006:10

Dhaka to Rangpur / Rangpur – Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Rangpur Express Train Ticket Price. Train Ticket prices mainly depend on seta categories.There are different categories of seats available in Rangpur Express. You can avail cheap and costly in both types of places on the train. You can buy the train tickets from train station or can collect tickets online here.  Here we have share with you Rangpur Train Ticket Price update info.

Seat CategoryTicket Price
Shovan Chair465
Snigdha AC930

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