Nexus Hospital Mymensingh Doctor List, Appointment Phone Number 2024. ময়মনসিংহ নেক্সাস হাসপাতাল কোথায়, who owns nexus hospitals, nexus hospitals annual report, nexus hospitals asx, nexus hospitals revenue, nexus hospitals board, nexus hospital jobs, nexus hospitals ceo.
Nexus Hospital Mymensingh Doctor List, Nexus Hospital Mymensingh Doctor List, Nexus Hospital Mymensingh Mobile Number, Nexus Hospital Mymensingh Recruitment 2024, Nexus Hospital Mymensingh test price.
Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of Nexus Hospital Mymensingh are given in detail.
Located in Greater Mymensingh, Nexus Hospital Limited is at your service since 2010. Renowned doctors from government and private hospitals of the country are regularly providing medical services at General Hospital Limited.
The Nexus Hospital Mymensingh is one of the popular hospital in Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Nexus Hospital Mymensingh all the doctor list. Nexus Hospital Mymensingh hospital received a lot of reputation for its modern and best quality medical services. Every year many patients visit to Nexus Hospital Mymensingh for better treatment. This is why before getting treatment in Nexus Hospital Mymensingh, people may want to know the Nexus Hospital Mymensingh doctor list. Today we shared here Nexus Hospital Mymensingh All Doctor List in this post.

Nexus Hospital Mymensingh
List of All Mymensingh Hospitals and Clinics 2024
Nexus Hospital Mymensingh Contact Address
Hospital Name: Nexus Hospital, Mymensingh
Address: 29 Shehra, Nexus Hospital Building, Dhaka-Mymensingh Rd, Mymensingh 2200
Opening hours: Saturday – Friday / 24 Hrs
Phone: 01796586561 , 01796586562 , 01708884888 , 01322859970
Email: nexushospitals@gmail.com
All Doctor List of Nexus Hospital Mymensingh
Dr. Gobinda Kanti Pal
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MD (Cardiology)
Cardiology, Medicine & Rheumatology Specialist
Assistant Professor, Cardiology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Jahir Uddin Mohammed Sharif
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine), MD (Medicine), MACP (USA)
Cardiology & Medicine Specialist
Junior Consultant, Cardiology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. S.K. Apu
Cardiology (Heart Diseases, Hypertension, Rheumatic Fever) Specialist
Ex. Senior Consultant, Cardiology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. AKM Sajidur Rahman Siddique
MBBS, D-CARD, MPhil (Endocrinology)
Cardiology, Medicine, Diabetes & Rheumatic Fever Specialist
Professor & Head, Cardiology
Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Md. Azizul Haque
MBBS, FCPS (Pediatrics), DHPED (AU), FWHO (Sydney, Bangkok & India)
Neonatal, Child & Adolescent Diseases Specialist
Former Professor & Head, Pediatrics
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Mirza Manjurul Haque
Neonatal & Child Diseases Specialist
Professor, Pediatrics
Community Based Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Ashek Mahmud Ferdaus
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery), FISCP (India), MS (Colorectal Surgery)
Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Colorectal Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
All Doctor List of Nexus Hospital Mymensingh
Dr. Khandaker Abul Hasnat
Oral, Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist
Senior Consultant, Dental
Nexus Hospital, Mymensingh
Dr. Palash Kumar Chanda
Endocrinology (Diabetes, Thyroid & Hormone) Specialist
Consultant, Endocrinology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Shafiqul Ehsan Rana
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Gastroenterology), MACP (USA), CCD (BIRDEM)
Gastroenterology, Liver, , Pancreas & Diabetes Specialist
Consultant, Gastroenterology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Begum Mushaheda Annur Renu
Gynecologist & Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Abu Zafor Md. Salahuddin
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), MD (Nephrology) BSMMU
Kidney & Hypertension Specialist
Registrar, Nephrology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Raihan Rotap Khan
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine)
Medicine (All Diseases of Adults) Specialist
Associate Professor, Medicine
Sheikh Hasina Medical College & Hospital, Jamalpur
Prof. Dr. Md. Jalal Uddin
MBBS, DPH, MD (Neurology), MACP (USA)
Neurology (Brain, Nerve, Spine, Headache, Backpain) Specialist
Former Professor & Head, Neurology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Mamunur Rashid Chowdhury
MBBS (Dhaka), D-Ortho (Dhaka), Member (APOA & APSS)
Orthopedic Specialist & Trauma Surgeon
Associate Professor & Unit Head, Orthopedic Surgery
Community Based Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Adnan Kaiser
MBBS (DMC), MS (Plastic Surgery)
Burn & Plastic Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Burn & Plastic Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Hasibur Rahman
MBBS, FCPS (Skin & Sex), MRCP (Glasgow), FRCP (EDIN), FACP (USA)
Skin, Sexual Diseases Specialist & Dermatosurgeon
Professor & Head, Dermatology & Venereology
Community Based Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Swapan Kumar Sen
MBBS, DDV, MPH, Training (Dermoscopy & Trichoscopy)
Skin, Allergy & Sexual Diseases Specialist
Ex. Associate Professor & Head, Dermatology & Venereology
Z.H. Sikder Women’s Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Afroza Islam
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery)
Breast & Colorectal Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad
MBBS, FCPS (Surgery)
General, Laparoscopic & Colorectal Surgeon
Professor & Head, Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Mosrekul Islam Moni
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery), D-Ortho (BSMMU), FCPS (Ortho), MRCS (UK)
General, Colorectal, Breast & Orthopedic Surgeon
Junior Consultant, Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Fazlul Haq Siddique
MBBS, MS (Urology)
Urology (Kidney, Ureters, Bladder, Prostate) Specialist & Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Urology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
In the End
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