
Miraj sheikh story at Begunbari slum

Miraj sheikh, 35 years old man lives in Begunbari basti with his family.

He has been living in Dhaka for the last 13 years. He has come from Kathalia village of 5 No. Union in Sathkhira coastal area. In his family, he has four children, 2 daughters and 2 sons. He is a petty businessman in vegetable market near Begunbari. His wife works as a domestic worker at near residential area, elder daughter works at garment factory and younger daughter and son reads in class six and class two respectively. He does not able to save money after paid 2,200 taka per month for house rent and other expenses. His wife does not able to give food properly to his family members. 
At slum, electricity line is not well designed and protected.
Use of energy for cooking is complex and having risk of fire hazard. During high temperature, dense population and polluted environment condition in slum health risks like diarrhoea, skin infection and fever are common diseases in his family. His younger son constantly suffers from malnutrition, fever, and vomiting. Miraj seikh does not able to meet the medical expenses due to lack of money and remain worried about his family health. For free treatment of his son he goes to nearby government hospitals. Miraj seikh wants to stay in Dhaka till his children’s establishment in spite of sufferings and sorrows at slum. 

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