There are different stages of lung cancer. Early detection and treatment can prevent complications. Lung cancer is the first cause of death in men worldwide, and the second in women.
Lung Cancer type
On the basis of tumor cell, lung tumor cancer can be divided into small and non-small cell. The categories are squamous, adenocarlinoma and large cell.
Causes of Lung Cancer
♦ Direct or second-hand smoke (responsible for 80 percent of cases)
♦ Consumption of tobacco products, consumption of betel nut, jorda etc
♦ Frequent lung infections
♦ Nickel, chromium and organic substances, benzene, benzopyrene entering lungs with air
♦ Impact of work in petroleum chemical or rubber factories
♦ Family history of this cancer
♦ Environmental pollution
♦ Breathing in smoke produced by others etc
Treatment of Lung Cancer
Surgery: Surgery is one of the main treatments for lung cancer. Surgery depends on the type, shape, location and physical condition of the cancerous tumor. If the cancer is at an early stage, surgery can remove part or all of the tumor. In many cases surgery is also done in the middle stage of the disease. Again, the surgeon can also remove the entire lung.
Chemotherapy: This involves using drugs to shrink or destroy cancer cells. However, it has some side effects including excessive nausea, hair loss, weight loss.
Targeted therapy: Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs or other substances to specifically target specific cancer cells. As a result, cancer cell growth, division and spread are controlled.
Preventive measures of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is not completely curable. But preventable. In other words, this cancer can be prevented if we are aware in advance.
♦ Smoking should be completely quit. Avoid contact with people who smoke. Because indirect smoking is also responsible for this. Smokers should be screened for lung cancer. Complications can be reduced if caught at an early stage.
♦ Develop proper eating habits. Eat fresh green vegetables and fruits regularly.
♦ Avoid black smoke emitted by industries and cars.
♦ Completely avoid various chemicals like chromium, asbestos, cadmium etc. Avoid working in environments that contain these substances.
♦ Get prompt treatment for tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma etc. Due to these diseases, cancer can appear in the affected area of the lungs.
লাং ক্যান্সার সিম্পটমস ইন বাঙ্গালী, Lung cancer treatment, Stage 1 lung cancer symptoms, Lung cancer symptoms, 7 signs of lung cancer, Causes of lung cancer, লাং কি, Small cell carcinoma