LABAID Mymensingh Doctor List, Appointment, Phone Number 2024. LabAid Hospital Mymensingh Doctor List, LABAID Mymensingh Hospital Doctor List, LABAID Mymensingh Mobile Number, LABAID Mymensingh Recruitment 2024, LABAID Mymensingh test price.
Here the address, phone number, specialist doctor list, patient appointment schedule, serial number, mobile number, chamber, contact address of LABAID Mymensingh are given in detail.
The LABAID Mymensingh is one of the popular hospital in Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
LABAID Mymensingh all the doctor list. LABAID Mymensingh hospital received a lot of reputation for its modern and best quality medical services. Every year many patients visit to LABAID Mymensingh hospital for better treatment. This is why before getting treatment in LABAID Mymensingh hospital, people may want to know the LABAID Mymensingh hospital doctor list. Today we shared here LABAID Mymensingh Hospital All Doctor List in this post.
LABAID Diagnostic Mymensingh
List of All Mymensingh Hospitals and Clinics 2024
LABAID Diagnostic Mymensingh Contact Address
Address: Â House # 72, Medical College Gate, Charpara, Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway, Mymensingh-2200Â
Contact Number/ Hotline Number: Â 10606, +8801766663000
Labaid Mymensingh All Doctor List
Dr. Md. Mehbub Ahsan
MBBS, BCS (Health), MCPS, FCPS (Oncology)
Cancer Specialist
Assistant Professor & Head, Radiotherapy
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Ashish Kumer Roy
MBBS, MD (Cardiology)
Cardiology, Medicine & Rheumatology Specialist
Consultant, Cardiology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Delwar Jahan Khan
MBBS, BCS (Health), DTCD (BSMMU), FCCP (USA), FCPS (Medicine)
Chest Diseases & Respiratory Medicine Specialist
Assistant Professor, Respiratory Medicine
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Biswajit Chowdhury
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), MD (Child Health)
Neonatal & Child Diseases Specialist
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Ershad Mondal
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Endocrinology and Metabolism, BIRDEM, Dhaka)
Advanced training in Endocrinology from Mayo Clinic (USA)
Diabetes, Thyroid & Hormonal Diseases Specialist
Medical Officer, Medicine
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam
Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
Assistant Professor, ENT
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital

Prof. Dr. Md. Showkot Ali
MBBS (CMC), FCPS (Medicine), MD (Gastroenterology)
Gastroenterology & Liver Specialist
Former Professor & Head, Gastroenterology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Sabina Yeasmin
Gynecologist & Surgeon
Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Kohinoor Akhtar
MBBS, BCS (Health), DGO (DU)
Gynecology, Obstetrics Specialist & Surgeon
Former Professor & Head, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Shamsun Nahar Flora
Gynecologist, Obstetrician & Surgeon
Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Ashutosh Saha Roy
MBBS, MD (Nephrology), MACP (USA)
Kidney Medicine Specialist
Associate Professor & Head, Nephrology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Abdul Hannan Miah
MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Medicine), MACP (USA), Training (Chest Diseases)
Medicine & Chest Diseases Specialist
Associate Professor & Head, Medicine
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Subrata Kumar Pal
MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Medicine)
Special Training in Rheumatology, Neurology, Chest Diseases & Diabetes
Medicine Specialist
Consultant, Medicine
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Md. Rezaul Karim Talukder Ranzu
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), MD (Neurology), MACP (USA)
Neurologist & Medicine Specialist
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Khandaker Abu Sayed
MBBS, BCS (Health), MS (Orthopedic)
Bone, Joint, Orthopedic Specialist & Trauma Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. A.K.M. Mustafizur Rahman Mintu
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), D-ORTHO, FCPS (Final Part)
Orthopedic Specialist & Trauma Surgeon
Resident Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Dr. Shafiqul Bari Tuhin
MBBS (Dhaka), BCS (Health), MS (Pediatric Surgery), Higher Training (India)
Neonatal & Pediatric Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Surgery
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
Prof. Dr. Asim Kumar Nandi
Skin, Sexual Diseases, Leprosy & Dermatosurgery Specialist
Associate Professor & Head, Dermatology & Venereology
Mymensingh Medical College & Hospital
In the End
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