
Know about all the fruits in the world (4)

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54. Mandarin orange (mandarin or mandarine)

       Scientific name:  Citrus reticulata

55. Mango 

     Scientific name:  Mangifera indica


56. Marionberry (Marion blackberry)

      Scientific name:  Rubus L. subgenus Rubus

57. Miracle fruit (miracle fruit, miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry, agbayun, taami, asaa, and ledidi)

Scientific name:  Synsepalum dulcificum



58. Mulberries

Scientific name:  Morus

59. Nance

    Scientific name:  Byrsonima crassifolia


60Naranjilla (lulo)

     Scientific name:  Solanum quitoense

61. Olive

      Scientific name:  Olea europaea

62. Papaya

      Scientific name:  Carica papaya


63. Passion fruit (maracuya, grenadille or fruit de la passion, maracujá, lilikoʻi)

      Scientific name:  Passiflora edulis

64. Peach  (Nectarine)

      Scientific name:  Prunus persica

65. Persimmon (Asian persimmon, Japanese persimmon)

     Scientific name:  Diospyros kaki


66. Physalis 

     Scientific name:  Physalis peruviana

67. Pineapple 

     Scientific name:  Ananas comosus

68. Pitanga ( Suriname cherry, Brazilian cherry, Cayenne cherry, Cerisier Carré)

     Scientific name:  Eugenia uniflora


69. Plum 

Scientific name:  Prunus (Plum have many species)



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