
Khulna Train New Schedule, Ticket Price, Time Table, Booking

Last updated on December 30th, 2020 at 08:28 am

New schedule of Khulna train, train departure and arrival time. Schedule of Khulna Train of Bangladesh Railway, Time of departure and arrival of train, Schedule of today’s train, Ticket price, Schedule of all intercity trains of Khulna, Mail / Express train. In addition, it is very easy to buy tickets on the online e-ticketing system and pay with the bKash app. Find out Khulna Station Schedule, Train Weekly Closure, Today’s Train Schedule And all the information.

Bangladesh Railway all trains schedule, ticket price, routes, booking

Intercity Trains From Khulna :

Train NoNameOff DayFromDepartureToArrival
715Kapotaksha ExpressSaturdayKhulna06:30Rajshahi12:20
725Sundarban ExpressTuesdayKhulna20:30Dhaka05:40
727Rupsha ExpressThursdayKhulna07:15Chilahati17:00
747Simanta ExpressNoKhulna21:15Chilahati06:20
761Sagordari ExpressMondayKhulna16:00Rajshahi22:00
763Chitra ExpressMondayKhulna08:40Dhaka17:40
3130Bandhan ExpressRuninin Day OnlyThursdayKhulna13:30 (BST)Kolkata18:10 (IST)

Mail Trains From Khulna :

Train NoNameOff DayFromDepartureToArrival
15Mohananda ExpressNoKhulna11:00Chapainawabgonj21:40
23Rocket ExpressNoKhulna09:30Parbatipur22:00
25Nokshikantha ExpressNoKhulna02:00Goaland Ghat11:00
53Benapol CommuterNoKhulna06:00Benapol08:30
95Khulna CommuterNoKhulna12:10Benapol14:30

Dhaka to Khulna and Khulna to Dhaka Train Ticket Price

Dhaka to Khulna and Khulna to Dhaka train ticket price are the same. Ticket price varies according to class. Below table will provide clear information.

Class NameTicket prie
Shovon390 Tk.
Shovon Chair465 Tk.
Snigdha891 Tk.
1st Class Ticket620 Tk.
1st Class Birth930 Tk.
AC Chair1070 Tk.
AC Birth1599 Tk.

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