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Bangladesh Doctor List – All Doctor’s Directory 2024
Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel Dhaka contact number, Address
Hospital Name: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
Contact: +880258316628, +8801727666741
Working hours: 24/7 (24 hours)
Email: ibhmugda@gmail.com
Hotline: 01724-008677
Website: http://ibhportal.org/
Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel Doctor List, appointment number 2025
Doctors and Their Specializations
Cancer Specialist
- Name: Dr. Md. Toufiq Hasan Firoz
- Qualifications: MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health), MPhil (Oncology)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Oncology
- Hospital: National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Cardiology & Medicine Specialist
- Name: Dr. Md. Amir Hossain
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Cardiology)
- Position: Associate Professor, Cardiology
- Hospital: Bangladesh Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Cardiology & Heart Diseases Specialist
- Name: Dr. Md. Sirajul Haque
- Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Cardiology)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Cardiology
- Hospital: Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Asthma, Chest Diseases & TB Specialist
- Name: Dr. Kazi Fouzia Afrin
- Qualifications: MBBS, BCS (Health), MD (Chest)
- Position: Junior Consultant, Chest Diseases & Respiratory Medicine
- Hospital: National Institute of Diseases of the Chest & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Child Diseases Specialist
- Name: Dr. Md. Atiar Rahman
- Qualifications: MBBS, DCH, FCPS (Pediatrics), MD (Pediatrics)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
- Hospital: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Newborn & Child Diseases Specialist
- Name: Dr. Shahina Parveen
- Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Pediatrics)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
- Hospital: Dr. Sirajul Islam Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Diabetics, Thyroid, Hormone & Pancreatic Specialist
- Name: Prof. Dr. M. A. Mannan
- Qualifications: MBBS, MCS (Medicine), MD (Endocrinology), MACE (USA), FACE (USA)
- Position: Professor & Head, Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Hospital: Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
- Name: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdus Sattar
- Qualifications: MBBS, DLO, FCPS (ENT), MS (ENT), Head Neck Fellow (USA), Higher Training (India, USA)
- Position: Professor, ENT
- Hospital: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist & Head Neck Surgeon
- Name: Dr. Mohammad Anwar Hossain
- Qualifications: MBBS (DMC), FCPS (ENT)
- Position: Consultant, ENT
- Hospital: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Eye (Glaucoma) Specialist & Surgeon
- Name: Dr. Zakia Farhana
- Qualifications: MBBS (RU), DO (BSMMU), Long Term Fellowship in Glaucoma (VIH), Special Training in Cataract, Phaco & Refractive Surgery
- Position: Registrar & Consultant, Ophthalmology
- Hospital: Ibn Sina Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Eye Diseases Specialist & Phaco Surgeon
- Name: Dr. Miftahul Hossain Chowdhury
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (EYE), MS (EYE)
- Position: Associate Professor, Ophthalmology
- Hospital: Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmad Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Gastroenterology, Liver Diseases & Pancreas Medicine Specialist
- Name: Prof. Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Gastroenterology)
- Position: Professor & Head, Gastroenterology
- Hospital: Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Here’s the information you provided, organized by specialization:
Gynecology, Obstetrics & Laparoscopic Surgery Specialists
Dr. Hasina Afroz
- Qualifications: MBBS, MCPS, MS (OBGYN), FCPS (OBGYN)
- Position: Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Hospital: United Hospital, Dhaka
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)

Dr. Tahmina Ahmed
- Qualifications: MBBS, BCS (Health), FCPS (OBGYN)
- Position: Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Hospital: Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Nusrat Ara Yousuf
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (OBGYN)
- Position: Consultant, Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Hospital: Mugda Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Mst. Nazmun Nahar Mina
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (OBGYN)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Hospital: Delta Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Other Specialists
Prof. Dr. Md. Fakhruddin Bhuiyan
- Qualifications: MBBS, MCPS (Clinical Pathology), FCPS (Hematology)
- Position: Professor, Hepatology
- Hospital: Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Jalil
- Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Nephrology)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Nephrology
- Hospital: MH Samorita Hospital & Medical College
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Md. Masudul Hassan
- Qualifications: MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), FCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Rheumatology)
- Position: Consultant, Rheumatology
- Hospital: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Ul Alam Sohel
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Rheumatology)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Rheumatology
- Hospital: Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Mushfiqur Rahman
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine)
- Position: Consultant, Medicine
- Hospital: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Imran Sarker
- Qualifications: MBBS (DU), MCPS (Medicine), MD (Neurology), FCPS (Neurology), MACP, MAAN (USA)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Neurology
- Hospital: National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Sheik Md. Abdul Fazal
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Neurology)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Neurology
- Hospital: Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Nafiz Khan Rousseau
- Qualifications: MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health), CCD (BIRDEM), MCPS (Medicine), MD (Neurology), MACP (USA)
- Position: Consultant, Neurology
- Hospital: Dhaka Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Captain. Md. Saiful Islam Saif
- Qualifications: MBBS, MS (ORTHO), D-ORTHO (NITOR), AO BASIC (Trauma), APSS Fellow (Spine)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
- Hospital: Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Musa Mohammad Hojaifa
- Qualifications: MBBS, BCS (Health), CCD (BIRDEM), FCPS (Physical Medicine)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Hospital: Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn & Plastic Surgery
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Fahmidur Rahman
- Qualifications: MBBS, MPhil (Psychiatry), FCPS (Psychiatry)
- Position: Associate Professor, Psychiatry
- Hospital: Mugda Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Surgical Specialists
Prof. Dr. Md. Abdullah-Al-Amin
- Qualifications: MBBS, MCPS (Surgery), FCPS (Surgery), FRCS (Glasgow), FACS (USA)
- Position: Professor & Head, Surgery
- Hospital: Birdem General Hospital & Ibrahim Medical College
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Md. Abdus Salam
- Qualifications: MBBS, MS (Surgery), PGT (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)
- Position: Consultant, Surgery
- Hospital: Ad-din Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Ahmed Sami Al Hasan
- Qualifications: MBBS (DMC), BCS (Health), FCPS (Surgery), MRCS (UK)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Surgery
- Hospital: National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Gazi Md. Zakir Hossain
- Qualifications: MBBS, MS (Surgery), MS (Thoracic Surgery)
- Position: Associate Professor, Surgery
- Hospital: Bashundhara Ad-din Medical College, Keraniganj
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Khondaker Arafuzzaman Lipton
- Qualifications: MBBS, FCPS (Urology)
- Position: Assistant Professor, Urology
- Hospital: Mugda Medical College & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Abdul Ahad
- Qualifications: MBBS, MPH, MS (Urology)
- Position: Consultant, Urology
- Hospital: Bangladesh Railway Hospital, Chittagong
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
Dr. Md. Sheikh Amirul Islam
- Qualifications: MBBS, MS (Urology), Higher Training (Laparoscopic Surgery)
- Position: Consultant, Urology
- Hospital: National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital
- Chambers: Islami Bank Hospital, Motijheel
- Address: 24/B, Outer Circular Road, Shahjahanpur, Motijheel, Dhaka
- Appointment: +8801727666741
- Visiting Hour: —– (Closed: Friday)
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