Health and Fitness

Is your child hyperactive? Natural ways to calm hyper child

Last updated on November 28th, 2023 at 12:22 am

Natural ways to calm a hyper child, hyperactive child symptoms, how to handle hyperactive child in the classroom, how to handle hyperactive child in preschool, activities for hyperactive child, how to reduce hyperactivity in child, hyperactive child diet, medicine for hyperactive child.

A child with hyperactivity can seem like they have too much energy. They often fidget or squirm while they should be sitting still and this behavior can be chronic and disruptive, making it difficult for them to concentrate in school or interact well with others.

This can be challenging for parents, but it is important to learn how to manage their hyperactivity so that the child can succeed.

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Characteristics of the hyperactive child

In medical terms, this behavioral problem is called ‘ADHD’ i.e. ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder’. It is characterized by inattention, reckless greed and restlessness.

Reason of hyperactivity in child

Genetic factors are more important for the problem. Sometimes various ‘neurochemical factors’ have been identified as the cause of the crisis.

ADHD is four to six times more common in boys than in girls. In more than half of the cases, the problem becomes apparent before the child is four years old.

Medical management of hyperactivity in child

One- A daily routine should be developed for the child, which he will follow spontaneously and when he follows the routine, he should be encouraged. Measures should be taken to reward. Care should be taken while creating the routine that it is well understood and the instructions are few in number.

It is not at all appropriate to give unlimited effort or to make him bored, tired while making him follow the routine. After the game, there should be a rest arrangement between the works. He wants to try to spend his time especially before going to sleep. Avoid watching violent scenes or exciting games on television.

Two- Care should be taken while driving a child with a fatal type of right foot. Expensive fragile and dangerous household items should be kept out of reach of children.

Three- Management requires close communication between pediatricians and school teachers. Special classes can be arranged if necessary for a child with extreme difficulty. Behavior therapy is key in treating these children. The matter of drug treatment is consulted with the child’s parents, school teachers and all concerned.

Child's Health
Child activity management

Dealing with a Hyperactive Child: 6 Tips

Engage them in activities:

Physical activities can help hyperactive children release energy and improve their control. Find an activity that they enjoy and take breaks to avoid overstimulation.

Teach coping mechanisms:

Help your child develop techniques to cope with frustration, such as deep breathing or visualization.

Maintain a routine:

A structured routine can provide stability for hyperactive children and prevent power struggles.

Be patient:

Hyperactivity is a condition beyond the child’s control. Most children with ADHD can improve with the right combination of therapies and interventions.

Get support:

Get other family members and teachers involved in following routines and rules to support your child.

Take care of yourself:

Raising a hyperactive child can be challenging, so focus on your health and well-being. If you suspect your child has ADHD, seek professional help for a diagnosis and treatment options.

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Tags: natural ways to calm a hyper child, how to deal with hyperactive child at home, hyperactive child symptoms, activities for hyperactive child, how to handle hyperactive child in preschool, how to deal with hyperactive child in classroom, how to deal with hyperactive 1 year-old, medicine for hyperactive child

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