You do not know how to write formal email and informal email? It is true, in earlier days people used to express their feelings to someone far away by writing letters. In today’s digital age, people don’t write letters. But, you have to express your feelings.
So, now in modern age people email. One can easily and beautifully communicate with everyone near and far through email. Apart from expressing thoughts, the need for email is immense for various tasks.
Email has a lot of role in work or study abroad or any other matter. So today we will discuss, how to write email. Let’s find out.
What is Email?
Before knowing how to write email, you need to know what email is! Email is short for electronic mail. By using electronic devices, with the help of internet we can send any news from one place to another very quickly.
An address is needed to send something from one place to another. Email address is also required. So, email id is required. The sender needs an email id and the recipient also needs an email id.
We email for various tasks. I do it at work, I email when applying for a job somewhere, I email to apply for studying in a university outside the country, I email for any government job. Moreover, I email my relatives and friends.
Emails are generally of two types. Namely:
- Official email
- Informal email
Official email includes various government emails or various company emails. And if you send an email to your father, mother, brother, sister, relatives and friends, it is an informal email.
In order to email, some rules must be followed. There are some words in the email that should be understood.
How to write email?
Email Writing Method-
From- Sender address ie email id should be given in this place of email. Address must be given here before sending any kind of mail. Mail cannot be sent without a sender’s address.
To- The address of the recipient should be given here. You have to give the email id of the person to whom the email will be sent.
CC- Full from CC is Carbon Copy. Sometimes this CC is used if an email needs to be sent to two or more people.
BCC- Full from BCC is Blind Carbon Copy. Its use is similar to CC. But using BCC will prevent other recipients of the email from seeing that the email was sent to someone else.
How to write a formal email?
Email subject
Any piece of writing has a topic. What is being written about has a title. When writing an email, a title should also be given, above the text. There is a separate space for writing this title, it should be written there.
Before sending any mail to someone, he can understand from whom and what the email is about by looking at this header. If the subject is given in the email, it will be easy to understand which email is important and which is not. Hence, important words must be used while defining the topic.
This topic can be of various types. For example:
- Apply for a job
- Please provide more information
- Contents of Saturday’s meeting
- Project ideas
However, it is better not to capitalize all letters while writing titles. All letters in uppercase make it appear that the sender is talking loudly or arguing. It is very distasteful to the learned people in the outer world. While writing the title, care should be taken not to make spelling mistakes.
The salutation is the first line to start writing an email. It is usually addressed to someone. When writing a formal email we usually start with “Sir or Madam”.
If the email is started in English, it can be started with Hi or Hello. Many people may think that only informal emails can be started with Hi or Hello, not formal ones. But in both cases it can be started with Hi or Hello. However, if you feel that it should not be given then Dear can be used.
We usually use names after saying Dear. If there is no specific name then it can be written as follows.
- Dear Sir,
- Dear Managing Director,
- Dear Hiring Manager
To send an email to a stranger for the first time, in that case Mr. or Ms. can be used.
First sentence
After starting the email, writing the first sentence is often a problem. If the first sentence is written a little neatly, it shows sincerity. The sentence can be written as
- I hope you are well.
- Hope all is well.
The body of the email
This part of the email should be completed by writing the full text. Full details of the subject will be here. In writing a formal email, only the essential words should be highlighted here. The things that are more important should be said.
Last sentence
After all the talking, finish with some sentences to check the recipient’s idea about the mail or to answer it. For example-
- Please give your opinion.
- Please let me know when I will contact you again.
- And ask if they have any other questions.
Finally, write your name. It can be written like this before writing the name.
- Best Regards,
- Sincerely yours,
- thank you
Below is an example of a formal email:
From: XXX@gmail.com
To: YYY@gmail.com
Subject: Discussion about the meeting
Dear Members,
Thank you all for attending the meeting. The meeting has greatly facilitated the decision making on the matter. Everyone gave more or less ideas about different things. I thought about a few other things. I have sent it to you with the help of this email. Discuss these issues and give me the final opinion.
Thanks everyone,
How to Write Informal Email
The From to BCC rules are the same when you write informal email. Subject to change. Since this is for family, friends, it can be a little friendly in this case. such as
- I gave your video
- Test routine
- Read this topic
In this case the greeting can be started only with Hi or Hello.
Main part
Here are the details. Since the mail is a little short, so in this case also the important things should be left out.
Last sentence
Informal emails don’t have to worry about endings. In this case, you can end the mail with any friendly phrase or word. such as
- bye there
- see you later
- Take care.
Below is an example of an informal email:
From: XXX@gmail.com
To: YYY@gmail.com
Subject: Wedding invitation
dear Y,
I hope you are well. I informed you about this already. I hope you remember that my wedding day is fixed on the 15th of next month. Your presence is highly desirable.
Stay well
Finally, it can be said that when writing emails, you must write emails in nice, concise language. The title should be clear. Grammar must be taken care of when writing emails in English. Care should be taken that the language of the email does not become too complicated. Hope there are no more doubts about how to write emails.